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Kd-Trees/src/edu/princeton/cs/algs4/ 4.71 KB
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 *  Compilation:  javac
 *  Execution:    java Heap < input.txt
 *  Dependencies:
 *  Data files:
 *  Sorts a sequence of strings from standard input using heapsort.
 *  % more tiny.txt
 *  S O R T E X A M P L E
 *  % java Heap < tiny.txt
 *  A E E L M O P R S T X                 [ one string per line ]
 *  % more words3.txt
 *  bed bug dad yes zoo ... all bad yet
 *  % java Heap < words3.txt
 *  all bad bed bug dad ... yes yet zoo   [ one string per line ]

package edu.princeton.cs.algs4;

 *  The {@code Heap} class provides a static methods for heapsorting
 *  an array.
 *  <p>
 *  For additional documentation, see <a href="">Section 2.4</a> of
 *  <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
 *  @author Robert Sedgewick
 *  @author Kevin Wayne
public class Heap {

    // This class should not be instantiated.
    private Heap() { }

     * Rearranges the array in ascending order, using the natural order.
     * @param pq the array to be sorted
    public static void sort(Comparable[] pq) {
        int n = pq.length;
        for (int k = n/2; k >= 1; k--)
            sink(pq, k, n);
        while (n > 1) {
            exch(pq, 1, n--);
            sink(pq, 1, n);

    * Helper functions to restore the heap invariant.

    private static void sink(Comparable[] pq, int k, int n) {
        while (2*k <= n) {
            int j = 2*k;
            if (j < n && less(pq, j, j+1)) j++;
            if (!less(pq, k, j)) break;
            exch(pq, k, j);
            k = j;

    * Helper functions for comparisons and swaps.
    * Indices are "off-by-one" to support 1-based indexing.
    private static boolean less(Comparable[] pq, int i, int j) {
        return pq[i-1].compareTo(pq[j-1]) < 0;

    private static void exch(Object[] pq, int i, int j) {
        Object swap = pq[i-1];
        pq[i-1] = pq[j-1];
        pq[j-1] = swap;

    // is v < w ?
    private static boolean less(Comparable v, Comparable w) {
        return v.compareTo(w) < 0;

    *  Check if array is sorted - useful for debugging.
    private static boolean isSorted(Comparable[] a) {
        for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
            if (less(a[i], a[i-1])) return false;
        return true;

    // print array to standard output
    private static void show(Comparable[] a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

     * Reads in a sequence of strings from standard input; heapsorts them; 
     * and prints them to standard output in ascending order. 
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] a = StdIn.readAllStrings();
        assert isSorted(a);

 *  Copyright 2002-2016, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
 *  This file is part of algs4.jar, which accompanies the textbook
 *      Algorithms, 4th edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne,
 *      Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011, ISBN 0-321-57351-X.
 *  algs4.jar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  algs4.jar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with algs4.jar.  If not, see