c89c0320 by Branden

#Babbies first kobold

1 parent 63f7c008
Created on Dec 20, 2016
@author: Xorfos
from mobs import npc
from random import randint
class WeakKobold(npc):
def at_object_creation(self):
self.db.strength = randint(1,2)
self.db.agility = randint(1,3)
self.db.magic = 0
def get_abilities(self):
return self.db.strength, self.db.agility, self.db.magic
class KoboldShaman(npc):
def at_object_creation(self):
self.db.strength = 1
self.db.agility = randint(1,3)
self.db.magic = randint(2,4)
def get_abilities(self):
return self.db.strength, self.db.agility, self.db.magic
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Created on Dec 20, 2016
@author: Xorfos
from chartacters import Character
class Npc(Character):
A NPC typeclass which extends the character class
For all mobs to extend
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......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class WiseObject(Object):
"Called when object is first created"
self.db.wise_texts = \
["Stones have feelings too.",
"To live like a stone is to not have lived at all."
"To live like a stone is to not have lived at all.",
"The world is like a rock of chocolate."]
def return_appearance(self, looker):