["あなたのガールフレンドは、あなたの後ろの大きな黒い男とセックスを持っているし、それは非常に楽しんでいます。あなたは3年後、彼女はあなたが仕事であったが、それは毎日起こっている明らかにし、その時点でアウトになるまで見つけることができません。あなたはそこに彼女のためにされていないことをお詫びし、あなたと結婚するために彼女をお願いします。 wwwwwww","Your future is looking grim, consider purchasing Fallout 4™","あなたのガールフレンドは、あなたの後ろの大きな黒い男とセックスを持っているし、それは非常に楽しんでいます。あなたは3年後、彼女はあなたが仕事であったが、それは毎日起こっている明らかにし、その時点でアウトになるまで見つけることができません。あなたはそこに彼女のためにされていないことをお詫びし、あなたと結婚するために彼女をお願いします。 wwwwwww","You are being cucked as you are reading this.","In a world of immigration, censorship and equality... You are being cucked.","Bright future, white future.","Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore?","Now would be a good time to get cucked.","Come back later... I am sleeping.","http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/12009294.jpg","Your Allagan Cane will drop next run.","Your Allagan Cane will never drop.","http://puu.sh/lFYCG/7f0cfb0004.jpg","You could not be less interesting, but you are going to keep trying -- right?","Xorfos will get his Dreadwyrm Axe someday.","Reminder that Rui never beat Turn 13.","Fallout 4 will win TGA 2015","You will get a big fat futa cock up your ass soon.","Your current problems will only get worse.","Your cuck shed will see lots of activity in the near future.","To do great things is difficult; but for you, it is impossible.","When people tell you that you can't do something, they are probably right.","There are now 23 nicknames going around for you; None of them are flattering. Tonight you're getting another one.","Undertale will win TGA 2015","You are going to develop http://puu.sh/lGFdS/71d497e8e8.gif","You will go blind and your penis will shrivel by next week, but all can be prevented by inviting your friends & family to use Discord!","Fortune smiles upon you! Goshzilla will be receiving his BBC into his ass shortly -- AND YOU GOT FRONT ROW SEAT.","Miss Fortune demands that you play this http://store.steampowered.com/app/418010/","I foresee fapping in your near future! http://puu.sh/lHdZn/aa737a5846.jpg","Everything will be fire.","Good bombings and many refugees will come to you but only if you post \"HILLARY 2016\" in this chat."]