**!listzones** - Returns a list of zones available for hunting and how many credits it costs to search in that zone. Depending on the weather and other factors some zones may not always be available.
**!huntmonster <zone>** - An attempt will be made to search for a soul plate (monster) in the zone specified. Each search costs a certain amount of credits. Each zone has a different cost.
**!hunt <zone>** - An attempt will be made to search for a soul plate (monster) in the zone specified. Each search costs a certain amount of credits. Each zone has a different cost.
*Viewing Your Inventory:*
**!listsoulplates** - Returns a list of all soul plates you have in your posession.
**!listferalskills** - Returns a list of all feral skills you have in your inventory
*Editing Your Collections:*
**!convertplate <plate number> <convert_to>** - From the list of soul plates you can choose to either convert the plate into a \"reflector\" or \"skill\".
**!convert <plate number> <convert_to>** - From the list of soul plates you can choose to either convert the plate into a \"reflector\" or \"skill\".
Ex: **!convertplate 1 reflector**
**!convertplate 4 skill**
**!assignskill <reflector number> <skill num>** - Assigns a skill to a reflector. Each skill is worth a certain amount of feral points, each monster has a maximum of feral points available.
**!equip <skill num> <reflector number>** - Assigns a skill to a reflector. Each skill is worth a certain amount of feral points, each monster has a maximum of feral points available.
**!setreflectorname <reflector number> <name>** - This will rename a monster in your collection to a custom name.
send_message(client,message.channel,"{} has been equipped.\n{}".format(skill_name,reflectors[reflector_num]))
send_message(client,message.channel,'You have no feral skills. You can get more feral skills by hunting for soul plates and converting them into skills.')
send_message(client,message.channel,'You have no reflectors. You can get more reflectors by hunting monsters and converting soul plates into reflectors.')