# Step 2: Do i have a memory of this monster from past battles? Does it have any elemental weakness?
# Step 3: What status effects is the monster currently under? What are the effects(DOTS) we can apply?
# find out the avg damage from each type of attack and sort them
# find out if we need to do defensive actions given the amount of life left in the enemy vs how much damage it does.
# We should also store how hard the AI has hit previously and adjust accordingly (Store previous average damage per hit). IE project how much damage we will
# do vs how much they will do and choose an action
# Decide if we need to do healing as part of the defensive strategy.
# - This should be partially decided based on the class and the efficacy of healing
# - This should be comparied against shielding. Shielding is often based on a specific type of hit so remember the hits they have
# Taken on us in the past.
# Modify apply damage to pass what type of damage it was (magic, melee, or ranged)
# If we don't need defense (we thi)
@@ -862,6 +934,7 @@ class Monster:
# TODO: Build some type of AI / testing to find the most powerful attack and use that (magic, melee, or ranged)