90ce5a8e by Barry

Initial commit.

0 parents
1 creds.json
File mode changed
1 ["あなたのガールフレンドは、あなたの後ろの大きな黒い男とセックスを持っているし、それは非常に楽しんでいます。あなたは3年後、彼女はあなたが仕事であったが、それは毎日起こっている明らかにし、その時点でアウトになるまで見つけることができません。あなたはそこに彼女のためにされていないことをお詫びし、あなたと結婚するために彼女をお願いします。 wwwwwww", "Your future is looking grim, consider purchasing Fallout 4™", "あなたのガールフレンドは、あなたの後ろの大きな黒い男とセックスを持っているし、それは非常に楽しんでいます。あなたは3年後、彼女はあなたが仕事であったが、それは毎日起こっている明らかにし、その時点でアウトになるまで見つけることができません。あなたはそこに彼女のためにされていないことをお詫びし、あなたと結婚するために彼女をお願いします。 wwwwwww", "You are being cucked as you are reading this.", "In a world of immigration, censorship and equality... You are being cucked.", "Bright future, white future.", "Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore?", "Now would be a good time to get cucked.", "Come back later... I am sleeping.", "http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/12009294.jpg", "Your Allagan Cane will drop next run.", "Your Allagan Cane will never drop.", "http://puu.sh/lFYCG/7f0cfb0004.jpg", "You could not be less interesting, but you are going to keep trying -- right?", "Xorfos will get his Dreadwyrm Axe someday.", "Reminder that Rui never beat Turn 13.", "Fallout 4 will win TGA 2015", "You will get a big fat futa cock up your ass soon.", "Your current problems will only get worse.", "Your cuck shed will see lots of activity in the near future.", "To do great things is difficult; but for you, it is impossible.", "When people tell you that you can't do something, they are probably right.", "There are now 23 nicknames going around for you; None of them are flattering. Tonight you're getting another one.", "Undertale will win TGA 2015", "You are going to develop http://puu.sh/lGFdS/71d497e8e8.gif", "You will go blind and your penis will shrivel by next week, but all can be prevented by inviting your friends & family to use Discord!", "Fortune smiles upon you! Goshzilla will be receiving his BBC into his ass shortly -- AND YOU GOT FRONT ROW SEAT.", "Miss Fortune demands that you play this http://store.steampowered.com/app/418010/", "I foresee fapping in your near future! http://puu.sh/lHdZn/aa737a5846.jpg", "Everything will be fire."]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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893 {
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2021 {
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4987 "darwin": [
4988 "CardHunter.app"
4989 ],
4990 "win32": [
4991 "CardHunter.exe"
4992 ]
4993 },
4994 "id": 675,
4995 "name": "Card Hunter"
4996 },
4997 {
4998 "executables": {
4999 "darwin": [
5000 "CargoCommander.app"
5001 ],
5002 "win32": [
5003 "CargoCommander.exe"
5004 ]
5005 },
5006 "id": 676,
5007 "name": "Cargo Commander"
5008 },
5009 {
5010 "executables": {
5011 "win32": [
5012 "DDO.exe"
5013 ]
5014 },
5015 "id": 677,
5016 "name": "Dragon's Dogma Online"
5017 },
5018 {
5019 "executables": {
5020 "win32": [
5021 "falloutw.exe"
5022 ]
5023 },
5024 "id": 678,
5025 "name": "Fallout"
5026 },
5027 {
5028 "executables": {
5029 "win32": [
5030 "FALLOUT2.EXE",
5031 "Fallout2HR.exe"
5032 ]
5033 },
5034 "id": 679,
5035 "name": "Fallout 2"
5036 },
5037 {
5038 "executables": {
5039 "win32": [
5040 "Fallout4.exe"
5041 ]
5042 },
5043 "id": 680,
5044 "name": "Fallout 4"
5045 },
5046 {
5047 "executables": {
5048 "win32": [
5049 "FarCry4.exe"
5050 ]
5051 },
5052 "id": 681,
5053 "name": "Far Cry 4"
5054 },
5055 {
5056 "executables": {
5057 "win32": [
5058 "OpenITG-PC.exe"
5059 ]
5060 },
5061 "id": 682,
5062 "name": "In The Groove 2"
5063 },
5064 {
5065 "executables": {
5066 "win32": [
5067 "L2.bin"
5068 ]
5069 },
5070 "id": 683,
5071 "name": "Lineage II"
5072 },
5073 {
5074 "executables": {
5075 "win32": [
5076 "LordsOfTheFallen.exe"
5077 ]
5078 },
5079 "id": 684,
5080 "name": "Lords of the Fallen"
5081 },
5082 {
5083 "executables": {
5084 "win32": [
5085 "LR2.exe"
5086 ]
5087 },
5088 "id": 685,
5089 "name": "Lunatic Rave 2"
5090 },
5091 {
5092 "executables": {
5093 "win32": [
5094 "MBA.exe"
5095 ]
5096 },
5097 "id": 686,
5098 "name": "Magical Battle Arena"
5099 },
5100 {
5101 "executables": {
5102 "win32": [
5103 "MBAN_M.exe",
5104 "MBAN_F.exe"
5105 ]
5106 },
5107 "id": 687,
5108 "name": "Magical Battle Arena NEXT"
5109 },
5110 {
5111 "executables": {
5112 "win32": [
5113 "ManiaPlanet.exe"
5114 ]
5115 },
5116 "id": 688,
5117 "name": "ManiaPlanet"
5118 },
5119 {
5120 "executables": {
5121 "win32": [
5122 "mhf.exe"
5123 ]
5124 },
5125 "id": 689,
5126 "name": "Monster Hunter Frontier"
5127 },
5128 {
5129 "executables": {
5130 "win32": [
5131 "6kinoko.exe"
5132 ]
5133 },
5134 "id": 690,
5135 "name": "New Super Marisa Land"
5136 },
5137 {
5138 "executables": {
5139 "win32": [
5140 "Nosgoth.exe"
5141 ]
5142 },
5143 "id": 691,
5144 "name": "Nosgoth"
5145 },
5146 {
5147 "executables": {
5148 "win32": [
5149 "Poi.exe"
5150 ]
5151 },
5152 "id": 692,
5153 "name": "Poi"
5154 },
5155 {
5156 "executables": {
5157 "win32": [
5158 "RogueSystemSim.exe"
5159 ]
5160 },
5161 "id": 693,
5162 "name": "Rogue System"
5163 },
5164 {
5165 "executables": {
5166 "darwin": [
5167 "SinaRun.app"
5168 ],
5169 "win32": [
5170 "SinaRun.exe"
5171 ]
5172 },
5173 "id": 694,
5174 "name": "SinaRun"
5175 },
5176 {
5177 "executables": {
5178 "win32": [
5179 "SkullGirls.exe"
5180 ]
5181 },
5182 "id": 695,
5183 "name": "Skullgirls"
5184 },
5185 {
5186 "executables": {
5187 "win32": [
5188 "Soma.exe"
5189 ]
5190 },
5191 "id": 696,
5192 "name": "SOMA"
5193 },
5194 {
5195 "executables": {
5196 "win32": [
5197 "sonic2app.exe"
5198 ]
5199 },
5200 "id": 697,
5201 "name": "Sonic Adventure 2"
5202 },
5203 {
5204 "executables": {
5205 "win32": [
5206 "SonicGenerations.exe"
5207 ]
5208 },
5209 "id": 698,
5210 "name": "Sonic Generations"
5211 },
5212 {
5213 "executables": {
5214 "win32": [
5215 "SpaceChem.exe"
5216 ]
5217 },
5218 "id": 699,
5219 "name": "SpaceChem"
5220 },
5221 {
5222 "executables": {
5223 "win32": [
5224 "SSFexe.exe"
5225 ]
5226 },
5227 "id": 700,
5228 "name": "Super Smash Flash 1"
5229 },
5230 {
5231 "executables": {
5232 "win32": [
5233 "System Shock2.exe",
5234 "shock2.exe"
5235 ]
5236 },
5237 "id": 701,
5238 "name": "System Shock 2"
5239 },
5240 {
5241 "executables": {
5242 "win32": [
5243 "Blacklist_launcher.exe"
5244 ]
5245 },
5246 "id": 702,
5247 "name": "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist"
5248 },
5249 {
5250 "executables": {
5251 "win32": [
5252 "gn_enbu.exe"
5253 ]
5254 },
5255 "id": 703,
5256 "name": "Touhou Puppet Dance Performance"
5257 },
5258 {
5259 "executables": {
5260 "win32": [
5261 "TSA.exe"
5262 ]
5263 },
5264 "id": 704,
5265 "name": "Touhou Sky Arena"
5266 },
5267 {
5268 "executables": {
5269 "win32": [
5270 "Verdun.exe"
5271 ]
5272 },
5273 "id": 705,
5274 "name": "Verdun"
5275 },
5276 {
5277 "executables": {
5278 "darwin": [
5279 "wz2100.app"
5280 ],
5281 "win32": [
5282 "wz2100.exe"
5283 ]
5284 },
5285 "id": 706,
5286 "name": "Warzone 2100"
5287 },
5288 {
5289 "executables": {
5290 "win32": [
5291 "WowT-64.exe"
5292 ]
5293 },
5294 "id": 707,
5295 "name": "World of Warcraft PTR"
5296 },
5297 {
5298 "executables": {
5299 "win32": [
5300 "Chronicon.exe"
5301 ]
5302 },
5303 "id": 708,
5304 "name": "Chronicon"
5305 },
5306 {
5307 "executables": {
5308 "win32": [
5309 "MagicDuels.exe"
5310 ]
5311 },
5312 "id": 709,
5313 "name": "Magic Duels"
5314 },
5315 {
5316 "executables": {
5317 "win32": [
5318 "BorderlandsPreSequel.exe"
5319 ]
5320 },
5321 "id": 710,
5322 "name": "Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel"
5323 },
5324 {
5325 "executables": {
5326 "win32": [
5327 "AoD.exe"
5328 ]
5329 },
5330 "id": 711,
5331 "name": "The Age of Decadence"
5332 },
5333 {
5334 "executables": {
5335 "win32": [
5336 "Doom.exe"
5337 ]
5338 },
5339 "id": 712,
5340 "name": "Doom 3"
5341 },
5342 {
5343 "executables": {
5344 "win32": [
5345 "Dead Space.exe"
5346 ]
5347 },
5348 "id": 713,
5349 "name": "Dead Space"
5350 },
5351 {
5352 "executables": {
5353 "win32": [
5354 "AvP3.exe"
5355 ]
5356 },
5357 "id": 714,
5358 "name": "Alien Vs Predator"
5359 },
5360 {
5361 "executables": {
5362 "win32": [
5363 "BlackOps3.exe"
5364 ]
5365 },
5366 "id": 715,
5367 "name": "Call of Duty: Black Ops III"
5368 },
5369 {
5370 "executables": {
5371 "win32": [
5372 "halo_online.exe"
5373 ]
5374 },
5375 "id": 716,
5376 "name": "Halo Online"
5377 },
5378 {
5379 "executables": {
5380 "win32": [
5381 "Krosmaster Arena.exe"
5382 ]
5383 },
5384 "id": 717,
5385 "name": "Krosmaster Arena"
5386 },
5387 {
5388 "executables": {
5389 "win32": [
5390 "MapleRoyals.exe"
5391 ]
5392 },
5393 "id": 718,
5394 "name": "MapleRoyals"
5395 },
5396 {
5397 "executables": {
5398 "win32": [
5399 "clragexe.exe"
5400 ]
5401 },
5402 "id": 719,
5403 "name": "Ragnarok Online Classic"
5404 },
5405 {
5406 "executables": {
5407 "win32": [
5408 "RememberingHowWeMet.exe"
5409 ]
5410 },
5411 "id": 720,
5412 "name": "A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met"
5413 },
5414 {
5415 "executables": {
5416 "win32": [
5417 "Command.exe"
5418 ]
5419 },
5420 "id": 721,
5421 "name": "Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations "
5422 },
5423 {
5424 "executables": {
5425 "win32": [
5426 "CM Black Sea.exe"
5427 ]
5428 },
5429 "id": 722,
5430 "name": "Combat Mission: Black Sea"
5431 },
5432 {
5433 "executables": {
5434 "win32": [
5435 "CM Shock Force.exe"
5436 ]
5437 },
5438 "id": 723,
5439 "name": "Combat Mission: Shock Force"
5440 },
5441 {
5442 "executables": {
5443 "win32": [
5444 "KingOfFighters2002UM.exe"
5445 ]
5446 },
5447 "id": 724,
5448 "name": "The King Of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match"
5449 },
5450 {
5451 "executables": {
5452 "win32": [
5453 "NFSC.exe"
5454 ]
5455 },
5456 "id": 725,
5457 "name": "Need for Speed: Carbon"
5458 },
5459 {
5460 "executables": {
5461 "win32": [
5462 "th075.exe",
5463 "th075e.exe"
5464 ]
5465 },
5466 "id": 726,
5467 "name": "Touhou 7.5: Immaterial and Missing Power"
5468 },
5469 {
5470 "executables": {
5471 "win32": [
5472 "Demul.exe"
5473 ]
5474 },
5475 "id": 727,
5476 "name": "Demul"
5477 },
5478 {
5479 "executables": {
5480 "win32": [
5481 "DeSmuMe_0.9.11_x86.exe",
5482 "DeSmuME_0.9.11_x64.exe"
5483 ]
5484 },
5485 "id": 728,
5486 "name": "DeSmuME"
5487 },
5488 {
5489 "executables": {
5490 "win32": [
5491 "Fusion.exe"
5492 ]
5493 },
5494 "id": 729,
5495 "name": "Kega Fusion"
5496 },
5497 {
5498 "executables": {
5499 "win32": [
5500 "nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe"
5501 ]
5502 },
5503 "id": 730,
5504 "name": "nullDC"
5505 },
5506 {
5507 "executables": {
5508 "win32": [
5509 "pcsx2-r5875.exe"
5510 ]
5511 },
5512 "id": 731,
5513 "name": "PCSX2"
5514 },
5515 {
5516 "executables": {
5517 "win32": [
5518 "Project64.exe"
5519 ]
5520 },
5521 "id": 732,
5522 "name": "Project64"
5523 },
5524 {
5525 "executables": {
5526 "win32": [
5527 "Snes9X.exe"
5528 ]
5529 },
5530 "id": 733,
5531 "name": "Snes9x"
5532 },
5533 {
5534 "executables": {
5535 "win32": [
5536 "VisualBoyAdvance.exe"
5537 ]
5538 },
5539 "id": 734,
5540 "name": "VisualBoyAdvance"
5541 },
5542 {
5543 "executables": {
5544 "win32": [
5545 "zsnesw.exe"
5546 ]
5547 },
5548 "id": 735,
5549 "name": "ZSNES"
5550 },
5551 {
5552 "executables": {
5553 "win32": [
5554 "Uplink.exe"
5555 ]
5556 },
5557 "id": 736,
5558 "name": "Uplink"
5559 },
5560 {
5561 "executables": {
5562 "win32": [
5563 "RIK.exe"
5564 ]
5565 },
5566 "id": 737,
5567 "name": "ProjectRIK"
5568 },
5569 {
5570 "executables": {
5571 "win32": [
5572 "warsow_x64.exe",
5573 "warsow_x86.exe"
5574 ]
5575 },
5576 "id": 738,
5577 "name": "Warsow"
5578 },
5579 {
5580 "executables": {
5581 "win32": [
5582 "cactus.exe"
5583 ]
5584 },
5585 "id": 739,
5586 "name": "Assault Android Cactus"
5587 },
5588 {
5589 "executables": {
5590 "win32": [
5591 "PlantsVsZombies.exe"
5592 ]
5593 },
5594 "id": 740,
5595 "name": "Plants vs. Zombies"
5596 },
5597 {
5598 "executables": {
5599 "win32": [
5600 "HeavyWeapon.exe"
5601 ]
5602 },
5603 "id": 741,
5604 "name": "Heavy Weapon"
5605 },
5606 {
5607 "executables": {
5608 "win32": [
5609 "BejBlitz.exe"
5610 ]
5611 },
5612 "id": 742,
5613 "name": "Bejeweled Blitz"
5614 },
5615 {
5616 "executables": {
5617 "win32": [
5618 "slw.exe"
5619 ]
5620 },
5621 "id": 743,
5622 "name": "Sonic Lost World"
5623 },
5624 {
5625 "executables": {
5626 "win32": [
5627 "age.exe"
5628 ]
5629 },
5630 "id": 744,
5631 "name": "Kamidori Alchemy Meister"
5632 },
5633 {
5634 "executables": {
5635 "win32": [
5636 "psobb.exe"
5637 ]
5638 },
5639 "id": 745,
5640 "name": "Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst"
5641 },
5642 {
5643 "executables": {
5644 "win32": [
5645 "Evoland2.exe"
5646 ]
5647 },
5648 "id": 746,
5649 "name": "Evoland 2"
5650 },
5651 {
5652 "executables": {
5653 "win32": [
5654 "FFV_Game.exe"
5655 ]
5656 },
5657 "id": 747,
5658 "name": "Final Fantasy V"
5659 },
5660 {
5661 "executables": {
5662 "win32": [
5663 "TITAN.exe"
5664 ]
5665 },
5666 "id": 748,
5667 "name": "Titan Souls"
5668 },
5669 {
5670 "executables": {
5671 "win32": [
5672 "FTP.exe"
5673 ]
5674 },
5675 "id": 749,
5676 "name": "Free To Play"
5677 },
5678 {
5679 "executables": {
5680 "win32": [
5681 "Hero_Siege.exe"
5682 ]
5683 },
5684 "id": 750,
5685 "name": "Hero Siege"
5686 }
5687 ]
1 import requests
2 import discord
3 import random
4 import datetime
6 from ago import human
7 import simplejson as json
9 member_status = 'members.json'
10 fortune_file = 'fortunes.json'
11 games_file = 'games.json'
12 credentials = 'creds.json'
14 client = discord.Client()
16 json_data=open(credentials).read()
17 creds = json.loads(json_data)
18 client.login(creds['username'], creds['password'])
20 def byteify(input):
21 if isinstance(input, dict):
22 return {byteify(key):byteify(value) for key,value in input.iteritems()}
23 elif isinstance(input, list):
24 return [byteify(element) for element in input]
25 elif isinstance(input, unicode):
26 return input.encode('utf-8')
27 else:
28 return input
31 @client.event
32 def on_status(member):
33 print("Status Changed %s" % (member,))
34 try:
35 json_data=open(member_status).read()
36 data = json.loads(json_data)
37 except ValueError:
38 data = {}
39 if not data:
40 data = {}
41 try:
42 username = member.name.lower()
43 if username in data:
44 is_afk = data[username]['is_afk']
45 afk_at = data[username]['afk_at']
46 status = data[username]['status']
47 prev_status = data[username]['prev_status']
48 status_change_at = data[username]['status_change_at']
49 game_id = data[username]['game_id']
50 games_played = data[username]['games_played']
51 else:
52 is_afk = False
53 afk_at = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
54 status = 'online'
55 prev_status = 'offline'
56 status_change_at = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
57 game_id = None
58 games_played = []
59 if member.status == 'idle':
60 afk_at = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
61 is_afk = True
62 else:
63 is_afk = False
64 if status != member.status:
65 prev_status = status
66 status = member.status
67 status_change_at = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
68 if game_id != member.game_id:
69 game_id = member.game_id
70 if game_id not in games_played:
71 games_played.append(game_id)
72 data[username] = {
73 'is_afk': is_afk,
74 'afk_at': afk_at,
75 'status': status,
76 'prev_status': prev_status,
77 'status_change_at': status_change_at,
78 'game_id': game_id,
79 'games_played': games_played
80 }
81 print('Status Change: %s' % (data,))
82 jdata = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
83 except Exception as e:
84 print('Error saving status change: %s' % (e),)
85 return
87 open(member_status, 'wb+').write(jdata.encode('utf8'))
90 def get_game_names(game_id_list):
91 json_data=open(games_file).read()
92 data = json.loads(json_data)
93 result = []
94 for game_id in game_id_list:
95 for game in data:
96 if game['id'] == game_id:
97 result.append(game['name'])
98 return result
100 @client.event
101 def on_message(message):
102 print message.content
103 print message.author
104 print client.user
105 # we do not want the bot to reply to itself
106 if message.author == client.user:
107 return
109 if message.content.lower().startswith(client.user.name.lower()):
110 print('Someone is talking to %s' % (client.user.name.lower(),))
111 if ' or ' in message.content:
112 questions = message.content[len(client.user.name)+1:].replace('?', '').split(' or ')
113 client.send_message(message.channel, '{} I choose: {}'.format(message.author.mention(), random.choice(questions).encode('utf-8',errors='ignore')))
116 if message.content.startswith('!help') or message.content.startswith('!commands'):
117 client.send_message(message.channel, '{} Available Commands:\nYou can ask compound or questions and I will choose. Example: HellsBot Rui is a Faggot or Rui is a faggot?\n!games <username> - Returns a list of games played\n!lastseen <username> - Returns info on when the user was last seen and their status\n!addfortune <fortune>\n!fortune\n!secret\n!bemyirlwaifu'.format(message.author.mention()))
118 return
120 if message.content.startswith('!lastseen'):
121 data = None
122 try:
123 json_data=open(member_status).read()
124 data = json.loads(json_data)
125 except ValueError:
126 pass
127 if not data:
128 client.send_message(message.channel, 'I am a bit confused right now.. maybe I need more data. {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
129 else:
130 username = message.content[10:].replace('@', '').lower()
131 if username in data:
132 out_string = ''
133 if data[username]['is_afk'] == True:
134 out_string = 'Went AFK at: {}\n'.format(data[username]['afk_at'])
135 elif data[username]['status'] == 'offline':
136 out_string = 'Currently Offline\n'
137 else:
138 out_string = 'Currently Online\n'
139 out_string += 'Last Status: {} at {} which was {}\nPrevious Status: {}\n'.format(data[username]['status'],
140 data[username]['status_change_at'],
141 human(datetime.datetime.strptime(data[username]['status_change_at'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')),
142 data[username]['prev_status'])
144 client.send_message(message.channel, 'Last Information on {}:\n{}'.format(username, out_string))
145 else:
146 client.send_message(message.channel, 'I don\'t have any data on {} yet {}'.format(username, message.author.mention()))
148 if message.content.startswith('!games'):
149 data = None
150 try:
151 json_data=open(member_status).read()
152 data = json.loads(json_data)
153 except ValueError:
154 pass
155 if not data:
156 client.send_message(message.channel, 'I am a bit confused right now.. maybe I need more data. {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
157 else:
158 username = message.content[7:].replace('@', '').lower()
159 if username in data:
160 games = ', '.join(get_game_names(data[username]['games_played']))
161 client.send_message(message.channel, 'I have seen {} playing: {}'.format(username, games))
162 else:
163 client.send_message(message.channel, 'I don\'t have any data on {} yet {}'.format(username, message.author.mention()))
165 if message.content.startswith('!addfortune'):
166 try:
167 json_data=open(fortune_file).read()
168 data = json.loads(json_data)
169 except ValueError:
170 data = []
171 if not data:
172 data = []
173 try:
174 data.append(byteify(message.content[12:]))
175 jdata = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
176 except:
177 client.send_message(message.channel, 'Your shitty fortune has been rejected {}.'.format(message.author.mention()))
178 return
180 open(fortune_file, 'wb+').write(jdata.encode('utf8'))
181 client.send_message(message.channel, 'Your shitty fortune has been added {}.'.format(message.author.mention()))
182 if message.content.startswith('!fortune'):
183 data = None
184 try:
185 json_data=open(fortune_file).read()
186 data = json.loads(json_data)
187 except ValueError:
188 pass
189 if not data:
190 client.send_message(message.channel, 'Try adding a fortune with "!addfortune <fortune>" {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
191 else:
192 client.send_message(message.channel, '{} Your fortune is... {}'.format(message.author.mention(), random.choice(data).encode('utf-8',errors='ignore')))
194 if message.content.startswith('!secret'):
195 client.send_message(message.channel, 'git gud {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
197 if message.content.startswith('!bemyirlwaifu'):
198 client.send_message(message.channel, 'http://orig13.deviantart.net/b25e/f/2014/175/3/d/no_waifu_no_laifu_by_imtheonenexttome-d7nsx3b.gif {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
201 if message.content.startswith('!hello'):
202 client.send_message(message.channel, 'Hello {}!'.format(message.author.mention()))
204 @client.event
205 def on_ready():
206 print('Logged in as')
207 print(client.user.name)
208 print(client.user.id)
209 print('------')
211 client.run()
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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