4bae9953 by Barry

Added lots of help, modified character creation extensively.

1 parent a277bbbb
......@@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ global_aliases = {
'wear': 'equip',
'eq': 'equip',
'goto': 'go',
'sc': 'score'
'sc': 'score',
'str': 'strength',
'dex': 'dexterity',
'con': 'constitution',
'int': 'intelligence',
'wis': 'wisdom',
'cha': 'charisma'
......@@ -277,8 +283,11 @@ class Commands(object):
def help(self, id, params, players, mud, tokens, command):
params = params.lower().strip()
if params in global_aliases:
params = global_aliases[params]
if len(tokens) > 0:
filename = 'help/' + tokens[0] + '.txt'
filename = 'help/' + params + '.txt'
filename = 'help/help.txt'
......@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
"name": null,
"password": null,
"room": null,
"abilities": {
"str": 10,
"dex": 10,
"con": 10,
"int": 10,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 10
"equipment": {
"finger": [null, null],
"hand": [null, null],
%bold%greenAce Pilot
%greenSkillful operator of starships and other vehicles who is
%greenobsessed with all related knowledge and lore.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green dex: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenAndroids are artificial creatures with both biological and mechanical
%greenelements, originally created by humanity as servants and now free to
%greenchart their own destiny among the stars.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green dex: %bold2
%green int: %bold2
%green cha: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold4
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%bold%greenBounty Hunter
%greenUnstoppable tracker who knows how to stay hot on the trail of those
%greenwho flee.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green con: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenCharisma measures a character's personality, personal
%greenmagnetism, ability to lead, and appearance. A character with a
%greenCharisma score of 0 is unconscious. Your character's Charisma
%greenmodifier is factored into the following:
%green- Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, and some Profession
%greenskill checks.
%green- Checks that represent attempts to influence others, including
%greenthe envoy's extraordinary abilities
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenConstitution represents your character's health. A living
%greencreature whose Constitution score reaches 0 dies. Your
%greencharacter's Constitution modifier is factored into the following:
%green- Stamina Points used to perform special actions.
%green- Fortitude saves (to resist diseases, poisons, and similar threats)
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%bold%greenDamaya Lashuntas
%greenIdealized by many other humanoid races and gifted with innate psychic
%greenabilities, lashuntas are at once consummate scholars and enlightened
%greenwarriors, naturally divided into two specialized subraces with
%greendifferent abilities and societal roles.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green int: %bold2
%green cha: %bold2
%green con: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold4
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenDexterity measures agility, balance, and reflexes. A character
%greenwith a Dexterity score of 0 is unconscious. Your character's
%greenDexterity modifier is factored into the following:
%green- Ranged attack rolls, such as those made with projectile
%greenweapons and energy weapons, as well as some spells.
%green- Energy Armor Class (EAC) and Kinetic Armor Class (KAC).
%green- Reflex saving throws (for leaping out of harm's way).
%green- Acrobatics, Piloting, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skill checks.
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenCharismatic people person good at a wide range of skills who inspires
%greenallies to accomplish great heroic feats.
%boldAcrobatics Intimidate
%boldAthletics Medicine
%boldBluff Perception
%boldComputers Piloting
%boldCulture Profession
%boldDiplomacy Sense Motive
%boldDisguise Sleight of Hand
%boldEngineering Stealth
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldGrenades Small Arms
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenAmbitious, creative, and endlessly curious, humans have shown more drive
%greento explore their system and the universe beyond than any of their neighbor
%greenraces for better and for worse. They've helped usher in a new era of
%greensystem-wide communication and organization and are admired for their
%greenpassion and tenacity, but their tendency to shoot first and think about
%greenthe consequences later can make them a liability for those races otherwise
%greeninclined to work with them.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green base hp: %bold4
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenPopular and respected celebrity who can leverage the public's
%greenadoration for specific needs.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green cha: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenIntelligence represents how well your character learns and
%greenreasons, and is often associated with knowledge and education.
%greenAnimals have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2, and any creature
%greencapable of understanding a language has a score of at least 3.
%greenA character with an Intelligence score of 0 is unconscious. Your
%greencharacter's Intelligence modifier is factored into the following:
%green- The number of bonus languages your character knows at the
%greenstart of the game. Even if this modifier is a penalty, your
%greencharacter can still use their starting languages unless the
%greenIntelligence score is lower than 3.
%green- The number of skill ranks gained each level, though your
%greencharacter always gets at least 1 skill rank per level.
%green- Computers, Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Medicine,
%greenPhysical Science, and some Profession skill checks.
%green- Bonus technomancer spells. The minimum Intelligence score
%greenneeded to cast a technomancer spell is 10 + the spell's level.
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenOriginally from a planet orbiting a dying star far beyond the Pact Worlds,
%greenthe four-armed kasathas maintain a reputation as a noble and mysterious
%greenpeople. They are famous for their anachronistic warriors, ancient wisdom,
%greenand strange traditions.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green str: %bold2
%green wis: %bold2
%green int: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold4
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%bold%greenKorasha Lashuntas
%greenIdealized by many other humanoid races and gifted with innate psychic
%greenabilities, lashuntas are at once consummate scholars and enlightened
%greenwarriors, naturally divided into two specialized subraces with
%greendifferent abilities and societal roles.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green str: %bold2
%green cha: %bold2
%green wis: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold4
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenMaster of machines and technology whose tinkering produces a drone
%greencompanion or a powerful brain implant.
%boldAthletics Perception
%boldComputers Physical Science
%boldEngineering Piloting
%boldMedicine Profession
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldGrenades Small Arms
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenWell-trained soldier of fortune who can work equally well as a
%greencombat grunt or a squad leader.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green str: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenMagic user whose mysterious connection to a powerful force grants
%greenabilities that break the laws of the universe.
%boldBluff Medicine
%boldCulture Mysticism
%boldDiplomacy Perception
%boldDisguise Profession
%boldIntimidate Sense Motive
%boldLife Science Survival
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldSmall Arms
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenStealthy combatant with wide-ranging know-how who is adept at taking
%greenadvantage of unprepared foes.
%boldAcrobatics Medicine
%boldAthletics Perception
%boldBluff Piloting
%boldComputers Profession
%boldCulture Sense Motive
%boldDisguise Sleight of Hand
%boldEngineering Stealth
%boldIntimidate Survival
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldSmall Arms Sniper Weapons
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenWanted criminal with back-alley connections to black markets and
%greenassociates who can fend off legal trouble.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green dex: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenDedicated and knowledgeable adherent to a philosophy or religion who
%greencommands clout among other followers.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green wis: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenSkilled researcher and cutting-edge thinker with a broad base of
%greenknowledge and a thirst to expand it.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green int: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenOnce part of a ravenous hive of locust-like predators, the insectile
%greenshirrens only recently broke with their hive mind to become a race
%greenof telepaths physically addicted to their own individualism, yet
%greendedicated to the idea of community and harmony with other races
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green con: %bold2
%green wis: %bold2
%green cha: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold6
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenDisciplined warrior whose mastery of the stars grants either a
%greenweapon or armor made of stellar power.
%boldAcrobatics Perception
%boldAthletics Physical Science
%boldDiplomacy Profession
%boldIntimidate Sense Motive
%boldMysticism Stealth
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldSmall Arms Advanced Melee
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenExpert with a huge range of armor, guns, and melee weapons who
%greenspecializes in certain types of gear.
%boldAcrobatics Medicine
%boldAthletics Piloting
%boldEngineering Profession
%boldIntimidate Survival
%boldLight Armor Heavy Armor
%boldBasic Melee Advanced Melee
%boldSmall Arms Long Guns
%boldHeavy Weapons Sniper Weapons
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenRestless explorer who has strong intuition and has collected deep
%greenknowledge about alien biology and topology.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green con: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenStrength measures muscle and physical power. A character with
%greena Strength score of 0 is unconscious. Your character's Strength
%greenmodifier is factored into the following:
%green- Melee attack rolls and attack rolls made with thrown
%greenweapons (such as grenades).
%green- Damage rolls when using melee weapons or thrown weapons
%green(but not grenades).
%green- Athletics skill checks.
%green- Strength checks (for breaking down doors and the like).
%green- How much gear your character can carry
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenMagic user who is preternaturally attuned to technology and can use
%greenit to unlock powerful effects.
%boldComputers Physical Science
%boldEngineering Piloting
%boldLife Science Profession
%boldMysticism Sleight of Hand
%boldLight Armor Basic Melee
%boldSmall Arms
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenHeavily muscled and covered with thick scales and short, sharp horns,
%greenthe reptilian vesk are exactly as predatory and warlike as they
%greenappear. Originally hailing from a star system near the Pact Worlds,
%greenthey sought to conquer and subdue their stellar neighbors, as they
%greenhad all the other intelligent races in their own system, until an
%greenoverwhelming threat forced them into a grudging alliance with the
%greenPact Worlds for now.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green str: %bold2
%green con: %bold2
%green int: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold6
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenWisdom describes a character's common sense, intuition, and
%greenwillpower. A character with a Wisdom score of 0 is unconscious.
%greenYour character's Wisdom modifier is factored into the following:
%green- Will saving throws (for defending against things like magical
%greenmind control).
%green- Mysticism, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and some
%greenProfession skill checks.
%green- Bonus mystic spells. The minimum Wisdom score needed to
%greencast a mystic spell is 10 + the spell's level.
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenGuru of alien life-forms who finds that meeting them is one of life's
%greenmost rewarding accomplishments.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green cha: %bold1
%boldSee Also:
character creation
%greenSmall and furtive, the ysoki are often overlooked by larger races.
%greenYet through wit and technological prowess, they've spread
%greenthroughout the solar system, giving truth to the old adage that
%greenevery starship needs a few rats.
%greenStat Modifiers:
%green dex: %bold2
%green int: %bold2
%green str: %bold-2
%green base hp: %bold2
%boldSee Also:
character creation
......@@ -665,6 +665,7 @@ class MudServer(object):
if option_state == self._READ_NAWS:
height = 30
width = 100
if 'esp' in sys.platform:
height, width = ustruct.unpack('>hh', option_data)
......@@ -674,6 +675,8 @@ class MudServer(object):
if width > 0:
client.width = width
print("Got NAWS Width: %d Height: %d" % (client.width, client.height))
option_state = 0
option_data = bytearray()
# elif option_state == self._READ_MSDP:
{"name": "test", "password": "6c76899eb15393064b4f4db94805e5862232920b", "room": "town/room001", "equipment": {"finger": [null, null], "hand": [null, null], "arm": [null, null], "leg": [null, null], "foot": [null, null], "head": null, "neck": null, "back": null, "body": null, "waist": null}, "inventory": {"bag": [{"expires": 0, "inventory": {"shirt": [{"expires": 0}]}}]}, "prompt": "hp %hp mp %mp> ", "aliases": {}, "hp": 94, "mp": 10, "maxhp": 100, "maxmp": 10, "maxsta": 10, "sta": 0.8000000000000004, "aa": "1d2", "mpr": 0.25, "star": 0.4, "weapon": null, "sp": {}, "at": {"kick": {"cost": 5, "dmg": "2d4", "desc": "You unleash a powerful kick"}}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"name": "test", "password": "6c76899eb15393064b4f4db94805e5862232920b", "room": "town/tavern", "abilities": {"str": 10, "dex": 23, "con": 10, "int": 12, "wis": 10, "cha": 8}, "equipment": {"finger": [null, null], "hand": [null, null], "arm": [null, null], "leg": [null, null], "foot": [null, null], "head": null, "neck": null, "back": null, "body": null, "waist": null}, "inventory": {"bag": [{"expires": 0, "inventory": {"shirt": [{"expires": 0}]}}]}, "prompt": "hp %hp mp %mp> ", "aliases": {}, "hp": 100, "mp": 10, "maxhp": 100, "maxmp": 10, "maxsta": 10, "sta": 10, "aa": "1d2", "mpr": 0.25, "star": 0.4, "weapon": null, "sp": {}, "at": {"kick": {"cost": 5, "dmg": "2d4", "desc": "You unleash a powerful kick"}}, "createstep": 7, "color_enabled": true, "over_13": true, "race": "Android", "theme": "Ace Pilot", "class": "Envoy", "abilitypoints": 0}
\ No newline at end of file