755ccb1a by Barry

Moved rooms to zones

1 parent 1d912c1b
{"mpr": 0.25, "aa": "1d2", "password": "6c76899eb15393064b4f4db94805e5862232920b", "sp": {"fireball": {"desc": "A fireball blasts from your fingertips striking the target", "cost": 5, "dmg": "2d4"}}, "maxhp": 953, "maxsta": 10, "inventory": {"bag": [{"expires": 0, "inventory": {"candle": [{"expires": 0}, {"expires": 0}]}}], "candle": [{"age": 0}, {"age": 0}]}, "aliases": {}, "prompt": "h %hp m %mp s %st> ", "name": "test", "hp": 74, "mp": 10.0, "maxmp": 10, "weapon": "sword", "sta": 10.00000000000004, "room": "Room001", "at": {"kick": {"desc": "You unleash a powerful kick", "cost": 5, "dmg": "2d4"}}, "star": 0.4}
\ No newline at end of file
{"name": "test", "password": "6c76899eb15393064b4f4db94805e5862232920b", "room": "town/tavern", "equipment": {"finger": [null, null], "hand": [null, null], "arm": [null, null], "leg": [null, null], "foot": [null, null], "head": null, "neck": null, "back": null, "body": null, "waist": null}, "inventory": {"bag": [{"expires": 0, "inventory": {"shirt": [{"expires": 0}]}}]}, "prompt": "hp %hp mp %mp> ", "aliases": {}, "hp": 100, "mp": 10, "maxhp": 100, "maxmp": 10, "maxsta": 10, "sta": 10, "aa": "1d2", "mpr": 0.25, "star": 0.4, "weapon": null, "sp": {}, "at": {"kick": {"cost": 5, "dmg": "2d4", "desc": "You unleash a powerful kick"}}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
"exits": {
"Tavern": "town/tavern"
"tavern": "town/tavern"
"title": "Behind the bar"
"title": "Behind the bar",
"zone": "town",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
"exits": {
"behind": "Room001",
"dark": "Dark",
"outside": "Outside"
"behind": "town/room001",
"west": "wilderness/outside"
"title": "Tavern",
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"description": "You are standing outside of a simple tavern made of pressed clay and shale roof. The door becons you to come in and have a drink.",
"inventory": {},
"exits": {
"Tavern": "town/tavern"
"east": "town/tavern"
"title": "Outside the Tavern"
"title": "Outside the Tavern",
"zone": "wilderness"
\ No newline at end of file