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   <title> RCP Verification </title>

BCP Legacy Verification</h1></center>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When we ported all rcp legacy
tests to BCP,&nbsp; we believed that it was very useful if we can run all
tests upon one simulator and run as long as we can. As a result, we split
all tests into two groups: component level tests and simulator level tests.
<p>1. Component level tests
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There are two sets of tests in this group. RSP and&nbsp;
VI which were used to test RSP and VI at component level, in another word,
all the tests are not run on the "final/full" chip. The porting of two
are very straightforward since we did not change anything about those two
componet. The VI&nbsp; part&nbsp; came from RSP Misc part and RSP test
was from&nbsp; first four sets of tests old RSP tests.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Those two tests are put at the very beginning nightly
<p>2. Simulator level tests:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For BCP, we only keep one simulator which is ported
from old iosim.&nbsp; In new BCP sim.ipc, we add the following functions
to support all new features and all old tests:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (1)&nbsp;&nbsp; Add reading and writing (single or
block) xz values
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (2)&nbsp;&nbsp; Keep persistent connection between
client and sim.ipc.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (3)&nbsp;&nbsp; Backdoor memory read and write
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (4)&nbsp;&nbsp; Vi singnal snooping to dump all
vi&nbsp; output.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (5)&nbsp;&nbsp; Vi table file dump.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (6)&nbsp;&nbsp; Backdoor old rdram file read and
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (7)&nbsp;&nbsp; Backdoor old rsp data read
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (8)&nbsp;&nbsp; rsp trace functions
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (9)&nbsp;&nbsp; rsp dmem data comparison
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (10) Ask verilog side to display certain message
for debug purpose.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (11)&nbsp; Zero time (verilog clk)&nbsp; operation.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (12)&nbsp; Output&nbsp; interrupt info with reture
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (13)&nbsp; Change rdram configure&nbsp; into initDDR()
(test id = 200)
<p><font size=+1>2.1&nbsp; Old iosim test porting</font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (1)&nbsp; ai changes</font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
. change rdram config to InitDDR</font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
. Add&nbsp; line 49 (t 104) check AI dma status before moving on. (BUG
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (2)&nbsp; pi :&nbsp;<font color="#FF0000">
(TO DO)</font></font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (3)&nbsp; sp changes</font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
. change rdram config to initDDR</font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (4)&nbsp; si :&nbsp; <font color="#FF0000">(TO
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (5)&nbsp; rdram change to bcp_ri.tst. What the test
does are:
* Write data 1/x/z at each bit
* Write data containing x/z values
*&nbsp; Same as above, but check via memory backdoor
* Backdoor write, check for memory read
*&nbsp; Memory single walk (0/1/x/z), both byte, half word and word
* memory block walk, for all sizes.
* random memory backdoor access test
To do:
(1) different mode test
(2)&nbsp; RI register test
(3)&nbsp; different vendor test
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (6)&nbsp; ebus: <font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>(TO
<p><font size=+1>2.2&nbsp; RSP(sim) test</font>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; First four sets of tests are component level
tests(see above), the last three are also port to iosim.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; All the tests start from assembler source code,
and use rdpsim1201 to generate IMEM(sp instruction) and DMEM (data segment),
then&nbsp; run it on rspsim c simulator,&nbsp; dump final DMEM data&nbsp;&nbsp;
and gather all SU VU DM register data&nbsp; at each write step as well.&nbsp;
The result will be the comparison of final DMEM data and SU/VU/DM trace
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (1) DMA test
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The DM
trace data does not matched. Checked with RCP,&nbsp; RCP does not either(RCP
test itselg did not check DM data).
It seemed that rspsim is out of date.(For example, c-sim does not have
DMA_FULL signal)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (2)&nbsp; pin and pin_single(single step)&nbsp;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; All tests
arre ported to iosim and succeed.
<p><font size=+1>2.3 RDP(sim) test</font>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; All the DP tests will use backdoor rdram
read(via x64 mode) to dowload rdram file , use iosim to dma rdplist to
dp and run it, then compare the frame buffer with hardware result(from
<p><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TEX test 039 coverage bits
have two line difference</font>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We cannot make dp tests against
one simulator so far.
<p><font size=+1>2.4.&nbsp; MISC</font>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; VI test are in component
level tests.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Backend Iosim are ported
to iosim, vi_snoop are added to support vi signal dumping .
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; h18, h32 and v32 does
not work but the result are matched with rcp(not true for h32 and v32 any
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Other video test are also
ported and put into nightly regression.
<p>2.5 Iorand
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Test range&nbsp;&nbsp; 0, 1, 8-13 15-20