mobs.txt 3.62 KB

def run_mobs(players, mud):

    from utils import load_object_from_file, save_object_to_file, calc_att, get_att
    for pid, player in players.items():
        if not player['name']:
        if player['mp'] < player['maxmp']:
            players[pid]['mp'] += player['mpr']
        if player['sta'] < player['maxsta']:
            players[pid]['sta'] += player['star']
        room_monsters = load_object_from_file('rooms/{}_monsters.json'.format(player['room']))
        for mon_name, monster in room_monsters.items():
            monster_template = load_object_from_file('mobs/{}.json'.format(mon_name))
            for active_monster_idx, active_monster in enumerate(monster['active']):
                sta = active_monster['sta']
                if active_monster['mp'] < active_monster['maxmp']:
                    active_monster['mp'] += monster_template['mpr']
                if sta < active_monster['maxsta']:
                    sta += monster_template['star']
                    active_monster['sta'] = sta
                if active_monster['action'] == "attack" and active_monster['target'] == player['name']:
                    if player.get("weapon"):
                        weapon = load_object_from_file('inventory/{}.json'.format(player['weapon']))
                        att = get_att(weapon['damage'])
                        mud.send_message(pid, "Your %s strikes the %s for %d" % (weapon['title'], mon_name, att,), color='yellow')
                        att = get_att(player['aa'])
                        mud.send_message(pid, "You hit the %s for %d" % (mon_name, att,), color='yellow')
                    active_monster['hp'] -= att
                    if active_monster['hp'] <= 0:
                        del room_monsters[mon_name]['active'][active_monster_idx]
                        mud.send_message(pid, "The %s dies." % (mon_name,), color=['bold', 'blue'])
                    if active_monster.get("weapon"):
                        weapon = load_object_from_file('inventory/{}.json'.format(active_monster['weapon']))
                        att = get_att(weapon['damage'])
                        mud.send_message(pid, "The %s strikes you with a %s for %d" % (mon_name, weapon['title'], att,), color='magenta')
                        att = get_att(monster_template['aa'])
                        mud.send_message(pid, "You were hit by a %s for %d" % (mon_name, att,), color='magenta')
                    players[pid]['hp'] -= att
                    if (active_monster['hp']/active_monster['maxhp'] < 0.25) or (active_monster['mp'] > 0 and active_monster['mp']/active_monster['maxmp'] > 0.5) or (sta > 0 and sta/active_monster['maxsta'] > 0.5):
                        magic_cast = False
                        if active_monster['mp'] > 0:
                            att, active_monster['mp'] = calc_att(mud, pid, monster_template['sp'], active_monster['mp'])
                            players[pid]['hp'] -= att
                            if att > 0:
                                magic_cast = True                            
                        if not magic_cast:
                            if sta > 0:
                                att, sta = calc_att(mud, pid, monster_template['at'], sta)
                                active_monster['sta'] = sta
                                players[pid]['hp'] -= att

                    room_monsters[mon_name]['active'][active_monster_idx] = active_monster
        save_object_to_file(room_monsters, 'rooms/{}_monsters.json'.format(player['room']))

run_mobs(players, mud)
del run_mobs