1.06 KB
11/21/02: the RTL tree is tagged just prior to massive
checkin of verilog gated clock removal (bcp/* and src/*).
cvs tag RTL_1_BASE bcp src include lib Makefile vsim
11/12/02: the RTL tree is tagged just prior to massive
checkin of verilog instance replacement (via jlib):
cvs tag RTL_0_BASE bcp src include Makefile
(the lib tree was not tagged)
in case you have a need to revert your workarea
to the state just prior to the instance replacment
checkin (circa 18:10 o-clock tonite) you can achieve by:
cd to desired directory (e.g. bcp)
cvs update -r RTL_0_BASE
this will repopulate your workarea with the tree
existing BEFORE the aforementioned instance replacment.
(note: if design has instantiated elements j_* then
it has been affected by the instance replacement).
(see cvs man and rf/doc/infrastructure/SourceBranches.html
for more info)