compile.scr 926 Bytes
/* compile.scr v1 Frank Berndt
 * run the compile from prepared database;

 * read the uniquified database;
read db/uniq.db

 * include common scripts from NEC;
include ../common/MUX_SCAN.scr
include ../common/set_wire_load.scr

 * compile the design;
 * write out database and temporary gate level;
write -h -o ./db/bb.db
write -f verilog -h -o ./gate/gate.v

 * write out reports after compilation;
report -area > ./report/bb.area
report -cell > ./report/bb.cell
report -hier -full > ./report/bb.hier
report_constraint -all_violators > ./report/bb.violations
report_timing -input_pins -nworst 5 -max_path 1000 > ./report/bb.timing
include ./script/report.scr > ./report/
check_design > ./report/bb.check

 * change gate level names;
 * write out final gate level;
include ../common/NAME_RULE.scr
change_names -rule OpenCAD -h
write -f verilog -h -o ./gate/bb.v
