report.scr 1.64 KB
/* report.scr v1 Frank Berndt
 * report critical timing paths;

 * report important ddr timing numbers;

/* ddr addr/ctrl out;

report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to find(port, "PAD_MADDR*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to find(port, "PAD_MBANK*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to { PAD_MRAS PAD_MCAS PAD_MWE PAD_MCKE }

/* ddr muxes to out */

report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to find(port, "PAD_MDATA*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to find(port, "PAD_MDQM*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from MEMCLK -to find(port, "PAD_MDQS*")

/* ddr registers to out */

report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_do_p*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDATA*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_do_n*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDATA*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_dqm_p*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDQM*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_dqm_n*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDQM*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from ddr_wr_n_reg -to find(port, "PAD_MDQS*")

/* ddr oe to out */

report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_moe*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDATA*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_moe*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDQM*")
report_timing -max_paths 1000 -nworst 10 -from find(cell, "ddr_moe*") -to find(port, "PAD_MDQS*")

/* ddr in */

report_timing -max_paths 100 -from PAD_MDQS0 -to find(net, "ddr_strobe_n*")
report_timing -max_paths 100 -from PAD_MDQS0 -to find(net, "ddr_strobe_p*")