1.65 KB
nosPakMenu(3)                                                  nosPakMenu(3)

    nosPakMenu  -  Controller-PAK Menu

    #include  <libnos.h>
    int nosPakMenu (OSMesgQueue *siMessageQ, OSMesgQueue *retraceMessageQ);

    nosPakMenu is the menu application for the controller memory pack. The 
    player can see the file list recorded in the controller pack, the used 
    pages and the rest of the pages, and delete the needless file.

    In order to start this menu application, the player has to keep pushing 
    the start button of 1-player-controller. If the start button is not 
    pushed or the memory pack is not set, this menu application will be 

    The message queue siMessageQ must be an initialized message queue 
    associated with the OS_EVENT_SI event. The message queue
    retraceMessageQ must be an initialized message queue associated
    with the VI EVENT.

    nosPakMenu returns the following value:

            State                       value
        Controller pack is not ready.       0
        Error occurs in the menu.           1
        Start button is not pushed.         2
        QUIT is selected in the menu.       3

    Before calling nosPakMenu, the screen must be initialized with
    hish resolution mode.

    main() {

      osCreateMesgQueue(&retraceMessageQ, &retraceMessageBuf, 1);
      osViSetEvent(&retraceMessageQ, NULL, 1);

      osCreateMesgQueue(&siMessageQ, &siMessage, 1);
      osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_SI, &siMessageQ, (OSMesg)1);
      nosPakMenu(&siMessageQ, &retraceMessageQ);