font.c 10.1 KB
	Example of FONTS

#include <PR/mbi.h>
#include <PR/sp.h>
#include "font.h"
#include "font_ext.h"

#include "letters_img.h"

extern int strlen(char *);

static char letters_string[] = "abcdefhiuvsnorm.klxz4321567890`!gjpqytw,EFGHKLNOPRSUVXZ@JM:WIYABCD'T\"+-=Q_/?()[]";

static Bitmap letters_bms[] = {
    { 8, 64, 0*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 7*8, 0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 6*8, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 6, 64, 7*8+1, 1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 6*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 7*8, 3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 9, 64, 6*8, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 6, 64, 7*8+1, 4*12, letters_img,   16,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 64+0*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 64+1*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 7, 64, 0*8, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 1*8-1, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 6, 64, 2*8, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 3*8-1, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 4*8, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 5*8-1, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 64+2*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 2*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 3*8-1, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 7, 64, 4*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 9, 64, 5*8-1, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 64+3*12, letters_img,   12,0 },

    { 8, 64, 0*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 1*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 2*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 3*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 4*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 5*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 6*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },
    { 8, 64, 7*8, 64+4*12+1, letters_img,   16,0 },


Font letters_font = { letters_string, letters_bms, letters_img };

char *my_strchr( char *, char );

static int realSpriteHeight;

text_sprite( Sprite *txt, char *str, Font *fnt, int xlen, int ylen )
    int i, ci;
    int x;
    int y;
    char *indx;
    Bitmap *bm;

    txt->width = xlen * 8;
    txt->height = ylen * 16;

    bm = txt->bitmap;

#ifdef _EMULATOR
    emPrintf("Converting <%s> to a %d x %d sprite\n", str, xlen, ylen );

    i = 0;
    ci = 0;
    for(y=0; y<ylen; y++) {
	for(x=0; x<xlen; x++, i++, ci++) {
	    if( str[ci] == '\0' ) {
		bm[i]       = fnt->bitmaps[0];
		bm[i].width = -1;
		txt->nbitmaps = i;
#ifdef _EMULATOR
		emPrintf("\tEarly exit x,y=(%d,%d) num=%d\n", x,y,i );
		if ( str[ci-1] == '\n' ) {
		    realSpriteHeight = y - 1;
		} else {
		    realSpriteHeight = y;
	    if( str[ci] == '\n' ) {
#ifdef _EMULATOR
		emPrintf("\t<CR> at x,y=(%d,%d) num=%d\n", x,y,i );
		bm[i]      = fnt->bitmaps[0];
		bm[i].buf = NULL;

	    if( (indx = my_strchr(fnt->index_string, str[ci])) != NULL ) {
#ifdef _EMULATOR
		emPrintf("\t<%c>(%d) at x,y=(%d,%d) num=%d\n", str[ci],indx-fnt->index_string,x,y,i );
		bm[i]      = fnt->bitmaps[indx-fnt->index_string];
	    } else {
#ifdef _EMULATOR
		emPrintf("\t<%c>(unknown) at x,y=(%d,%d) num=%d\n", str[i],x,y,i );
		bm[i]      = fnt->bitmaps[0];
		bm[i].buf = NULL;

	if( str[ci] == '\n' )

    txt->nbitmaps = i;

#ifdef _EMULATOR
    emPrintf("\tRegular exit x,y=(%d,%d) num=%d\n", x,y,i );
    if ( str[ci-1] == '\n' ) {
	realSpriteHeight = y - 1;
    } else {
	realSpriteHeight = y;

char *
my_strchr( char *str, char target )
    while( *str && (*str != target) )
    if( *str )
	return( str );
    return( NULL );


#define NUM_template_BMS        (24*40)

static Bitmap template_bm[NUM_template_BMS];

static Gfx      template_dl[NUM_DL(NUM_template_BMS)];

Sprite template_sprite = {

        0,0,                    /* Position: x,y */

        0,0,                    /* Sprite size in texels (x,y) */

        1.0,1.0,                /* Sprite Scale: x,y */

        0,0,                    /* Explosion (x,y) */

        SP_TRANSPARENT,                   /* Sprite Attributes */
        0x1234,                 /* Sprite Depth: Z */

        255,255,255,255,        /* Sprite Coloration: RGBA */

        0,0,NULL,               /* Color LookUp Table: start_index, length, address */

        0,1,                    /* Sprite Bitmap index: start index, step increment */

        NUM_template_BMS,                       /* Number of bitmaps */
        NUM_DL(NUM_template_BMS),               /* Number of display list locations allocated */

        15, 128,                 /* Sprite Bitmap Height: Used_height, physical height */
        G_IM_FMT_I,             /* Sprite Bitmap Format */
        G_IM_SIZ_4b,            /* Sprite Bitmap Texel Size */

        template_bm,            /* Pointer to bitmaps */

        template_dl,            /* Display list memory */

        NULL,                  /* HACK: dynamic_dl pointer */


static unsigned char font_red = 255;
static unsigned char font_grn = 255;
static unsigned char font_blu = 255;
static unsigned char font_alf = 255;

static int font_xpos = 0;
static int font_ypos = 0;

static int font_win_width = 40;
static int font_win_height = 1;

static double font_xscale = 1.0;
static double font_yscale = 1.0;

/* Initialize Font local variables and prepare for drawing sprites */

font_init( Gfx **glistp )
    Gfx *gxp;

    gxp = *glistp;

    spInit( &gxp );

    template_sprite.rsp_dl_next = template_sprite.rsp_dl;

    *glistp = gxp;

    font_red = 255;
    font_grn = 255;
    font_blu = 255;
    font_alf = 255;

    font_xpos = 0;
    font_ypos = 0;

    font_win_width = 40;
    font_win_height = 1;

    font_xscale = 1.0;
    font_yscale = 1.0;


/* Call spFinish() to clean up when done using Sprites */

font_finish( Gfx **glistp )
    Gfx *gxp;

    gxp = *glistp;

    spFinish( &gxp );

    *glistp = (gxp-1);		/* Don't use final EndDisplayList() */


/* Set text window area (units are characters) */

font_set_win( int width, int height )
    font_win_width = width;
    font_win_height = height;

/* Set text window position (upper left corner) */

font_set_pos( int xpos, int ypos )
    font_xpos = xpos;
    font_ypos = ypos;

/* Set text size */

font_set_scale( double xscale, double yscale )
    font_xscale = xscale;
    font_yscale = yscale;

/* Set text color */

font_set_color( unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha )
    font_red = red;
    font_grn = green;
    font_blu = blue;
    font_alf = alpha;

font_set_transparent( int flag )
    if( flag )
	spSetAttribute( &template_sprite, SP_TRANSPARENT | SP_CUTOUT );
	spClearAttribute( &template_sprite, SP_TRANSPARENT | SP_CUTOUT );

/* Convert the string to a sprite with the propler bitmaps
   assembled from the basic font texture. */

font_show_string( Gfx **glistp, char *val_str )
    Sprite *sp;
    static Gfx gx[10000];
    Gfx *gxp, *dl;
    Bitmap *bm;
    double yCorrection;

    gxp = *glistp;

    sp = &template_sprite;

    sp->width =  font_win_width*8  + 8;
    sp->height = font_win_height*16 + 8;

    text_sprite( sp, val_str, &letters_font, font_win_width, font_win_height );

    spMove( sp, font_xpos, font_ypos );
    spColor( sp, font_red, font_grn, font_blu, font_alf );
    spScale( sp, font_xscale, font_yscale );

     * Allow subsequent font_show_string calls to display below the current text.
    bm = sp->bitmap;
    yCorrection = ( (double)(bm[0].actualHeight) ) * font_yscale;
    yCorrection *= ( (double)(realSpriteHeight + 1) );
    font_ypos += ( (int)yCorrection + 8);

    dl = spDraw( sp ); /* */

    gSPDisplayList( gxp++, dl );

    *glistp = gxp;