testDriver.h 3.24 KB
 *                                                                        *
 *               Copyright (C) 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.                *
 *                                                                        *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed  *
 *  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or  *
 *  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.  *
 *                                                                        *

 * File:	testDriver.h
 * Creator:	hal@sgi.com
 * Purpose:	Declarations & definitions common across test modules

typedef struct {
		char presswait; /* sasano added */
    int ((*pTestFunction)());	/* pointer to test to be invoked */
    char gngMessageText[1024];	/* text to be printed out on PASS or FAIL */
    int testFlags;		/* to control gng messaging, nmiEntry, etc... */
    int	retraceCount;		/* amount of time to delay after gng message */
    int testNumber;		/* numerical test number; display on LED & TV */
} Test_t;

 * External test declarations
extern int dlDriver(void);
extern int audMain(void);
extern int uji_diags(void);
extern int piAllTest(void);
extern int pifCheck(void);
extern int nmitest_phase1(void);
extern int nmitest_phase2(void);
extern int clocktest(void);
extern int intr1test(void);
extern int RunViTests(void);
extern int VoltageTest(void);
extern int ResetTimeTest(void);
extern int ControllerTest(void);
extern int rsp(void);
extern int CpuTest(void);
extern int rdramTest(void);
extern int chk50PReadWrite(void);
extern int chk50PExtjoy(void);
extern int AD16_LatchTest1(void);
extern int AD16_LatchTest2(void);
extern int AD16_LatchTest(u32);
extern int DummyTest(void);	/* sasano added */
extern int ContTest(void);	/* sasano added */
extern int ContTest_bb(void);	/* sasano added */
extern int WaveOutput(void);

extern int music44100(void);
extern int music32000(void);
extern int music22050(void);

extern void presstonext(void);
extern int Jumptime(void);

extern int  Int1Check( void );  /* debug */

/* Leftover from Zaru tests */
#define IndexRDRAM      0x00
#define IndexCONT       0x01
#define IndexCLOCK      0x02
#define IndexINT        0x03
#define IndexPIF        0x04
#define IndexEXTJOY     0x05
#define IndexRW         0x06
#define IndexLATCH1     0x07
#define IndexLATCH2     0x08
#define IndexPIO        0x09
#define IndexRSP        0x10
#define IndexRDP        0x11
#define IndexRESET      0x20
#define IndexWAVE       0x30
#define Index441        0x31
#define Index320        0x32
#define Index220        0x33
#define IndexVIDEO      0x40
#define IndexCPU        0x50
#define IndexJUMP       0xdf

#define ZARU_SINWAVE            0x01
#define ZARU_SAWWAVE            0x02
#define ZARU_TRIWAVE            0x03
#define ZARU_RCTWAVE            0x04
#define ZARU_ONLYL              0x05
#define ZARU_ONLYR              0x061
void audioTest(u32 sound, u32 length, int freq);