1.13 KB
@echo off
rem HEADER******************************************************************
rem ************************************************************************
rem ***
rem *** Copyright (c) Precise Software Technologies Incorporated
rem *** All rights reserved
rem ***
rem *** This software is provided under license and contains proprietary
rem *** and confidential material which is the property of VAutomation Inc.
rem *** HTTP://www.vautomation.com
rem ***
rem *** $Workfile: go.bat$
rem *** $Revision: 1.1 $
rem *** $Date: 2003/02/17 20:49:00 $
rem ***
rem *** Description:
rem *** This file contains the command line required to compile the
rem *** USB 1.1 Chapter 9 example application.
rem ***
rem ***
rem ************************************************************************
rem *END********************************************************************
if not exist aa3.met mkdir aa3.met
cd aa3.met
hcarc -g -Bbase=0x100 -arc8 -o audio.out -I..\..\..\source\include ..\..\..\source\devapi.c ..\..\..\source\vusbd11.c ..\..\..\source\arc.c ..\audio.c