sigs.h 1.2 KB

 *  Signals
int st_span;        /* start of span */
int ncyc;           /* number of cycles per pixel */
int bilerp0m;       /* cycle 0 mode bit */
int bilerp1m;       /* cycle 1 mode bit */
int convert_one;    /* loopback mode */
int mid_texel;      /* mid mode (for 4 texel avg) */

int k0_coeff;       /* [8:0], color convert coeffs */
int k1_coeff;       /* [8:0], color convert coeffs */
int k2_coeff;       /* [8:0], color convert coeffs */
int k3_coeff;       /* [8:0], color convert coeffs */

int lod_frac;       /* [8:0], s,8.0, pipe through to CCU */
int lge1;           /* lod >= 1.0 */

int sfrac_rg;       /* [7:0], 0.8, bilerp alphas */
int tfrac_rg;       /* [7:0], 0.8, bilerp alphas */
int sfrac_ba;       /* [7:0], 0.8, bilerp alphas */
int tfrac_ba;       /* [7:0], 0.8, bilerp alphas */

int tm_ra;          /* [8:0], s,8.0, texel A */
int tm_ga;
int tm_ba;
int tm_aa;

int tm_rb;          /* [8:0], s,8.0, texel B */
int tm_gb;
int tm_bb;
int tm_ab;

int tm_rc;          /* [8:0], s,8.0, texel C */
int tm_gc;
int tm_bc;
int tm_ac;

int tm_rd;          /* [8:0], s,8.0, texel D */
int tm_gd;
int tm_bd;
int tm_ad;

int dv;

static void print_input_header( void );
static void print_input_sigs( int );