Makefile 4.87 KB
# Makefile for RSP Fast3D graphics microcode

include $(PRDEPTH)/PRdefs

GMAIN = ../../gmain.s

# local defs

# local includes
LCINCS = -I. -I../.. -I../../F3DLP.Rej -I$(ROOT)/usr/include -I$(ROOT)/usr/include/PR

LDIRT  = *.dat *.lst *.sym *.dbg *.elf *.tvd *~			\
		gfillnops.s gfillnops.dram.s gfillnops.s gfillnops.fifo.s

GDIRT  = *.u $(UCODE).fifo

GFX_INCL = 	../../gdmem.h ../../gfx_regs.h

# this microcode uses all "common" microcode:
GFX_CODE = 	$(GMAIN) ../../gyield.s ../../gdma.s ../../gimm.s \
		../../grdp.s ../../gdone.s ../../gmtx.s \
		../../F3DLP.Rej/glvtx.s ../../F3DLP.Rej/gltri.s \
		glsetup.s ../../gclip.s ../../gflight.s \
		../../newt.s ../../goverlays.s \
		../../goutfifo.s ../../ginit.s \
		../../gsetup1.s ../../gboot.s ../../gloaduc.s


TARGETS =	$(UCODE).fifo			\
		$(UCODE).fifo.u.tvd		\
		gclip.only.fifo.u.tvd		\
		gflight.fifo.u.tvd		\
		gdone.fifo.u.tvd		\

default: ${TARGETS} checksize

install exports: ${TARGETS} checksize
	$(INSTALL) -m 555 -F /usr/lib/PR $(INST_LIB_TARGETS)

# what the heck is this?
ig: 	$(UCODE) $(UCODE).u.tvd gclip.only.u.tvd gflight.u.tvd \
	gdone.u.tvd $(UCODE).o 
	$(INSTALL) -m 555 -F /usr/lib/PR $(UCODE).o

include $(PRDEPTH)/PRrules

# use the RSP linker 'buildtask' to construct the tasks from the objects.
# use the rsp2elf program to construct the debug executables and library
# executables.
# 'dd' is used to chop the data section to the minimum required, in
# order to save ROM/RAM space.

# the 3D polygon ucode with output to circular DRAM fifo:
$(UCODE).fifo:	$(UCODE).fifo.u newt.u gclip.only.fifo.u gflight.fifo.u gdone.fifo.u gboot.fifo.u
	${BUILDTASK} -f 1 -o $@ -s 34 -p gboot.fifo.u $(UCODE).fifo.u -l 34 $(UCODE).fifo.u gclip.only.fifo.u gflight.fifo.u gdone.fifo.u
	dd if=$@.dat of=tmp3.dat bs=1 count=2048
	mv tmp3.dat $@.dat

$(UCODE).fifo.o:		$(UCODE).fifo
	${RSP2ELF} -p -r $?

$(UCODE).fifo.u.tvd:	$(UCODE).fifo
	${RSP2ELF} -p $(UCODE).fifo.u

gclip.only.fifo.u.tvd:	$(UCODE).fifo
	${RSP2ELF} -p gclip.only.fifo.u

gflight.fifo.u.tvd:	$(UCODE).fifo
	${RSP2ELF} -p gflight.fifo.u

gdone.fifo.u.tvd:	$(UCODE).fifo
	${RSP2ELF} -p gdone.fifo.u

# Ensure IMEM size does not overflow
checksize:	${INST_LIB_TARGETS}
	../../sizecheck ${INST_LIB_TARGETS}

# build the individual objects.

newt.u:	$(UCODE).fifo.u ../../newt.s ${GFX_INCL}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -DNEWT_ALONE -S $(UCODE).fifo.u -o $@ ../../newt.s

$(UCODE).fifo.u: gclip.only_tmp.fifo.u gflight.fifo.u ../../fillnops $(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ${GFX_INCL} ${GFX_CODE}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	../../fillnops gclip.only_tmp.fifo.u.dbg clipKill $(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u.dbg clipAndSetup 1 > gfillnops.fifo.s
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -DFASTLIGHT3D -DOUTPUT_FIFO -o $@ -S gclip.only_tmp.fifo.u $(GMAIN)
	@echo " "

gboot.fifo.u: $(UCODE).fifo.u ../../gboot.s
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -o $@ -S $(UCODE).fifo.u ../../gboot.s

$(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u:	${GFX_INCL} ${GFX_CODE}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	@echo " "

gclip.only_tmp.fifo.u:	$(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../goverlays.s ../../gclip.s ${GFX_INCL}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -DCLIP_ALONE -DPRECISE_CLIP -DNODATA -DOUTPUT_FIFO -o $@ -S $(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../goverlays.s

gclip.only.fifo.u:	$(UCODE).fifo.u ../../goverlays.s ../../gclip.s ${GFX_INCL}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"

gflight.fifo.u:		$(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../gflight.s ../../goverlays.s ${GFX_INCL}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -DFLIGHT -DNODATA  -DOUTPUT_FIFO -o $@ -S $(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../goverlays.s

gdone.fifo.u:		$(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../gdone.s ${GFX_INCL}
	@echo "****"
	@echo "**** Building $@:"
	@echo "****"
	${RSPASM} ${LCINCS} ${LCDEFS} -DFASTLIGHT3D -DNODATA -DOUTPUT_FIFO -o $@ -S $(UCODE)_tmp.fifo.u ../../gdone.s

	rm -rf *.u core *.dat *.lst *.sym *.dbg *.elf *.tvd gfillnops.s gfillnops.dram.s gfillnops.s $(UCODE) *~

# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.