gclipl.s 12.6 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465
 # line clipping code
 # simplification of general polygon clipper

.name	v1,		$1 	# pointer to vertex structure for first point
.name	v2,		$2	# pointer to vertex structure for second point
.name	cc1,		$19	# clip code for first point
.name	cc2,		$17	# clip code for second point

.name	tAcc,		$5	# points are a trivial accept?
.name	tRej,		$6	# points are a trivial reject?

.name	voutp,		$7
.name	tmp,		$8

.ent	doClip	


	# j	lineSetup
	# store return address to gimm.s loop
	sw	return,	RSP_L_0(zero)

	# initialize pointer to scratch mem, used for
	# creation of new points

	addi	voutp,	zero,	(((RSP_SCRATCH_OFFSET + 7) & 0xfff8) - RSP_PTS_LEN)

	lh	tmp,	NEXTCLIP($0)
	sh	tmp,	RETURNJUMP($0)

	lh	cc1,	RSP_PTS_CC(v1)
	lh	cc2,	RSP_PTS_CC(v2)

	# check for trivial accept, or clip codes
	or	tAcc,	cc1,	cc2
	# if cc1 | cc2 = 0, then trivial accept
	beq	tAcc,	zero,	lineSetup
	# check for trivial reject, and clip codes
	and	tRej,	cc1,	cc2
	# if cc1 & cc2 = 0, then nontrivial accept
	beq	tRej,	zero,	nonTrivialAccept
	# else we have a trivial reject, so go back
	# to the processing loop and skip the line
	# setup code

	jr	return

.unname	tAcc
.unname	tRej

.name	straddle,	$5
.name	plane,		$6
.name	cc1Mask,	$12
.name	cc2Mask,	$13
.name	clipMask,	$14


	# At this point we need to loop through the 5 (or 6)
	# clip planes and do a clip compare against each one

	# plane = 2*current plane being tested, use a factor
	# of two so that we get the right clipmask loaded in

 	addi	plane,	zero,	12

	# if we have cycled through all the planes then we're
	# done, so jump to the line setup routine

 	beq	plane,		zero,		lineSetup

	# otherwise decrement plane by 2 to point to next 

	addi	plane,		0xfffe

	# reload clip codes after possible clipping
	lh	cc1,	RSP_PTS_CC(v1)
	lh	cc2,	RSP_PTS_CC(v2)
	# now load in the clip mask for the current plane
	# being tested against

	lh	clipMask,	CLIPMASKS(plane)

	# construct the clip masks against the current plane
	# to see if we have a straddle

	and	cc1Mask,	cc1,		clipMask
	and	cc2Mask,	cc2,		clipMask
	or	straddle,	cc1Mask,	cc2Mask

	# if cc1Mask and cc2Mask are both zero, then the
	# line does not intersect this clip plane, so move
	# along

	beq	straddle,	zero,	nextClip

.name	OutPt,	$20
.name	InPt,	$10

	# At this point we have a straddled plane, so we
	# need to compute the intersection with it	

	# increment pointer to scratch buffer for next generated point

	addi	voutp,	voutp,	RSP_PTS_LEN

	beq	cc1Mask,	zero,	v2Out

	add	OutPt,		v1,	zero
	add	InPt,		v2,	zero

	j	IntersectPlane

	# now set up v1 so that when we return
	# to nextclip we'll be using the original inside
	# point and the newly calculated outside point		

	# delay slot
	add	v1,	voutp,	zero

	add	InPt,		v1,	zero
	add	OutPt,		v2,	zero

	# now set up v2 so that when we return
	# to nextclip we'll be using the original inside
	# point and the newly calculated outside point
	add	v2,	voutp,	zero		

.unname	straddle
.unname	cc1Mask
.unname	cc2Mask
.unname	clipMask

.unname	cc1
.unname	cc2

.unname	OutPt
.unname InPt	


.name	newlist,	$17	# new list of vertices
.name	oldlist,	$5 	# old list of vertices

.name	prevpoint,	$20	# point preceding current point
.name	pointptr,	$10	# point to current point
.name	ini,		$v4	# non clipped points vector
.name	inf,		$v5
.name	outi,		$v9 	# clipped points vector
.name	outf,		$v10
.name	topi,		$v11	# numerator of n calculation
.name	topf,		$v12
.name	boti,		$v27	# denominator of n calculation
.name	botf,		$v26
.name	selp,		$v1	# select which plane we are clipping against
.name	seln,		$v0 	# negative of selp
.name	nf,		$v15 	# parameter of clip (0.16)
.name	negnf,		$v8 	# 1 - parameter of clip (0.16)
.name	vtmpi,		$v29	# temporary vector
.name	vtmpf,		$v28	# temporary vector

	ldv	outi[0],RSP_PTS_X_INT(pointptr)	 	# get XYZW of in and out
	ldv	outf[0],RSP_PTS_X_FRAC(pointptr) 	# vertices
	ldv	ini[0],RSP_PTS_X_INT(prevpoint)  	#
	ldv	inf[0],RSP_PTS_X_FRAC(prevpoint) 	#
	sll	tmp,plane,2			# plane to select
 	ldv	selp[0],(CLIP_SELECT)(tmp)	# select vector
	vmudh	seln,selp,vconst[3]		# negative select vector
						# ----------------------------
						# CALCULATE n (comments assume
						# positive x plane clipping,
						# so selp=[1 0 0 -1])
						# xyz= in point; XYZ=out point
	vmudn	topf,inf,selp			# top=[x 0 0 -w] 
	vmadh	topi,ini,selp			#
	vmadn	topf,vconst,vconst[0]		#
	vmadn	vtmpf,outf,seln			# bot= [-X 0 0 W] + top =
	vmadh	vtmpi,outi,seln			#  [(x-X) 0 0 (W-w)]
	vmadn	vtmpf,vconst,vconst[0]		#
	vaddc	botf,vtmpf,vtmpf[0q]		# add all componants together
	vadd	boti,vtmpi,vtmpi[0q]		# (2 of X,Y,Z are zero)
	vaddc	vtmpf,botf,botf[1h]		# ... into element 3
	vadd	vtmpi,boti,boti[1h]		# result = [? ? ? (x-X)-(w-W)]
.name	wsclf,	$v3				# calculate scalefactor to
.name	wscli,	$v7				# improve reciprical precision
	mfc2	tmp,vtmpi[6]			# sign of bot
	vrcph	wscli[3], vtmpi[3]		# scalefactor wscl
	vrcpl	wsclf[3], vtmpf[3]		# for greater precision in 
	vrcph	wscli[3], vconst[0]		# reciprical
	vmudn	wsclf, wsclf, vconst[2]		# *2 to complete reciprical
	bgez	tmp, clampWscl			# branch if non negative
	vmadh	wscli, wscli, vconst[2]		# *2 to complete reciprical
 ### BRANCH OCCURS TO clampWscl: IF wscl>=0	#
	vmudn	wsclf, wsclf, vconst[3]		# *-1 for absolute value
	vmadh	wscli, wscli, vconst[3]		# *-1 for absolute value
clampWscl:					#------------------------------
	veq	wscli,wscli,vconst[0]		# if   wscl >= 1.0
	vmrg	wsclf,wsclf,vconst[3]		# then wsclf =  0.99999
						# (only wsclf used; not wscl)
	vmudl	vtmpf, vtmpf, wsclf[3]		# use scalefactor wsclf for 1/x
	vmadm	vtmpi, vtmpi, wsclf[3]		# (improves 1/x precicion)
	jal	NewtonDiv			#
	vmadn	vtmpf, vconst, vconst[0]	#
 ### JUMP OCCURS to subroutine NewtonDiv:	# bot= 1/vtmp
	vaddc	vtmpf,topf,topf[0q]		# add all componants together
	vadd	vtmpi,topi,topi[0q]		# (2 of X,Y,Z are zero)
	vaddc	topf,vtmpf,vtmpf[1h]		# ... into element 3
	vadd	topi,vtmpi,vtmpi[1h]		# result = [? ? ? (x-w)]
	vmudl	nf,topf,botf			# n= top * 1/bot
	vmadm	nf,topi,botf			#
 	vmadn	nf,topf,boti			#
	vmadh	negnf,topi,boti			#
	vmudl	vtmpf, vconst, vconst[5]	# add 0.0003fffc (~0.0004)
						# to ensure outside of frustum
	vmadl	nf, nf, wsclf[3]		# remove scalefcator wsclf
	vmadm	negnf, negnf, wsclf[3]		#
	vmadn	nf, vconst, vconst[0]		#
.unname	wscli					# done with scalefactor
.unname	wsclf					#
	veq	negnf,negnf,vconst[0]		# if number >=1
 #ww	j	skipWMul
	vmrg	nf,nf,vconst[3]			# then number = 0.99999

 #ww	mfc2	tmp, nf[6]			# get nf
 #ww	addi	tmp, tmp, -1			# compare to 1
 #ww	beq	tmp, zero, skipWLoop		# too small
 #ww	nop
 #ww 	vmudl	nf,  nf, vconst1[1]		# make smaller
	vne	nf,nf,vconst[0]			# if number =0 
	vmrg	nf,nf,vconst[1]			# then number = 0.00001
	vnxor	negnf,nf,vconst[0]		# negnf[0h] = 1-n (0.16)
	vaddc	negnf,negnf,vconst[1]		# ones complement + 1 of frac
	vadd	vtmpi,vtmpi,vtmpi		# VCO=0

 ########### SET UP REGISTERS TO MATCH screenCalc: in gvtx.s ##############
.unname	boti				# bot   now called   persp12
.unname	botf				#
.name	invW12f,	$v26		#
.name	invW12i,	$v27		#
.name	st12,		$v18		# S and T
.name	clr1,		$15		# RGBA	 new point 1
.name	clr2,		$16		# NOT TOUCHED !!!!
.unname	selp				#
.name	vptrans,	$v1		# loaded by getScaleTrans subroutine
.unname	seln				#
.name	vpscale,	$v0		# loaded by getScaleTrans subroutine
.name	i,		$9		# indicate 1 vertex to process
					# (the clipped vertex)
.unname	newhdl				#
.name	flg2,		$14		#
.unname	vtmpi				#
.name	vout12i,	$v29		#
.unname	vtmpf				#
.name	vout12f,	$v28		#
.name	flg1,		$13		#
.name	vtmp,		$v3		#
.name	scrn12f,	$v7		#
.name	scrn12i,	$v6		#
.name	vin12,		$v2		#
.unname tmp				# No change here
.name	tmp,		$8		#
.name	vnewton1,	$v22		# used for newton raphson subroutine
.name	vnewton2,	$v23		#
.name	vnewton3,	$v24		#
.name	vnewton4,	$v25		#
 # .name	vnewton5,	$v26	# invW12f
 # .name	vnewton6,	$v27	# invW12i
 # .name	vnewton7,	$v28	# vout12f
 # .name	vnewton8,	$v29	# vout12i
						# CALCULATE new values for
						# coordinates & attributes
	vmudl	vout12f,inf,negnf[3h]		# in * (1-n)
	vmadm	vout12i,ini,negnf[3h]		#
	vmadl	vout12f,outf,nf[3h]		# ... + (out * n)
	vmadm	vout12i,outi,nf[3h]		#
	vmadn	vout12f,vconst,vconst[0]	# = new xyzw
 ######### START W>0 LOOP ####################

 #	mfc2	tmp, vout12i[6]			# sign of resultant W
 #	blez	tmp, negWLoop			# loop if W<=0

 #ww	vch	topf, vout12i, vout12i[3h]	# is z > -w ?
 #ww	vcl	topf, vout12f, vout12f[3h]	# 
 #ww	cfc2	tmp, $vcc			# get result from VCC
 #ww	andi	tmp, tmp, 0x0004		# is z > -w ?
 #ww	bne	tmp, zero, negWLoop		# make smaller

 ######### END   W>0 LOOP ####################

.unname inf				#
.name	persp12f,	$v5		#
.unname ini				#
.name	persp12i,	$v4		#
	luv	topf[0],RSP_PTS_R_NX(pointptr)	# topf[0-6] = RGBAout
	luv	topi[0],RSP_PTS_R_NX(prevpoint)	# topi[0-6] = RGBAin
	llv	topf[8],RSP_PTS_S(pointptr)	# topf[8,10] = STout
	llv	topi[8],RSP_PTS_S(prevpoint)	# topi[8,10] = STin
	vmudm	st12,topf,nf[3]			# st12 = new ST & RGBA
	vmadm	st12,topi,negnf[3]		#
	suv	st12[0],0(voutp)		# temp store new RGBA
	sdv	st12[8],8(voutp)		#
	ldv	st12[0],8(voutp)		#
	jal	getScaleTrans			# get screen scale & trans 
	lw	clr1,0(voutp)			# new RGBA 1
 ### BRANCH OCCURS to subroutine getScaleTrans: # load regs for screenCalc
	# mfc2	pointptr,ptptrhold[0]		# restore pointptr
	j	screenCalc			# calc screen coord & store
	ori	i,$0,1				# setup for vtx routine
 ### JUMP OCCURS to screenCalc: subroutine; return to nextPlane:
.unname	vout12i					#
.unname	vout12f					#
.unname	flg1					#
.unname	flg2					#
.unname	clr1					#
.unname	clr2					#
.unname	st12					#
.unname vptrans					#
.unname vpscale					#
.unname	i					#
.unname	vtmp					#
.unname	invW12f					#
.unname	invW12i					#
.unname	scrn12f					#
.unname	scrn12i					#
.unname	vin12					#
.unname	vnewton1				#
.unname	vnewton2				#
.unname	vnewton3				#
.unname	vnewton4				#
.unname	voutp					#
.unname	persp12i				#
.unname	persp12f				#
.unname	outi					#
.unname	outf					#
.unname	topi					#
.unname	topf					#
.unname	nf					#
.unname	negnf					#
.unname	pointhdl				#
.unname prevpoint				#
.unname pointptr				#
.unname	plane					#
.unname	clipmask				#
.unname	state					#
.unname	inoutcheck				#
.unname	ptptrhold				#
 # ########################### END CLIPPING ###############################

.unname	minp				#
.unname	midp				#
.unname	maxp				#
			.align	8	# even out the end for DMA's

.unname	v1
.unname v2	
.unname	newlist
.unname oldlist
.unname tmp				
.end	doClip