630 Bytes
#!/usr/bin/csh -f
# SCCS: @(#)AssemAll 1.1 07 Sep 1994
# Assembles all .s files using rspasm, translate the binary executable file
# into ascii hex for verilog, and translate the data file also into ascii hex.
cp csrc/suregre.h .
foreach SRC (*.s)
echo "*** WORKING ON :" $SRC "********"
set DST = $SRC:t
set DST = $DST:r
rspasm -o $DST $SRC
mv $DST $DST.bin
MAKE_IHEX $DST.lst > $DST.ihex
od -vX $DST.dat > $DST.dhex
# *** the following is no longer used. apply datasplit on ***
# *** $DST.dhex instead to get d_0.dhex ... d_f.dhex files. ***
# od -vX $DST.dat > tmp
# MAKE_DHEX tmp > $DST.dhex
# rm tmp