annotations.h 3.47 KB
 * Copyright (C) 1996-1998 by the Board of Trustees
 *    of Leland Stanford Junior University.
 * This file is part of the SimOS distribution. 
 * See LICENSE file for terms of the license. 

 * annotations.h
 * Author: $Author: blythe $
 * Date:   $Date: 2002/05/29 01:09:10 $


#include "simtypes.h"

 *   Annotation Public Declarations

typedef struct AnnRec *AnnPtr;

extern AnnPtr *annExcTable;
extern AnnPtr annRFE;
extern AnnPtr annUTLB;
extern int  annExcNum, annInstNum;
extern bool annLoads;
extern bool annStores;
extern bool annPCs;
extern bool annWatchpoints;

 * Setup routines common to all simulators 
void AnnCommonSetup(void);

 *  Annotation naming

AnnPtr AnnFind(char *typeName, char *argStr);
AnnPtr AnnFindInt(char *typeName, uint64 arg);

 *  interation. Use as follows:
 *      AnnPtr iter;
 *      int subtype;
 *      for (subtype = AnnFirst(type, &iter);
 *              iter;
 *              subtype = AnnNext(&iter)) { ...

uint64 AnnFirst(char *typeName, AnnPtr *iter);
uint64 AnnNext(AnnPtr *iter);

 *  return the maximum number of builtin args
 *        allows cpus simulators to make optimizations 
 *        like building tables for exceptions etc.
 *     -1 means infinite number of args

int AnnNumArg(char *typeName);

 *  Annotation execution

void AnnExec(AnnPtr ann);

 * Check for and execute a pre- or post-PC annotation


#define ANN_TAG(_pc)    ((_pc) >> ANN_TAG_SHIFT_SIZE)
#define ANN_INDEX(_tag) ((_tag) & ANN_INDEX_MASK)

typedef struct AnnCache {
   VA   postAnnTag;
   uint postAnnBitVec;
   VA   preAnnTag;
   uint preAnnBitVec;
} AnnCache;

extern AnnCache annCache[ANN_CACHE_SIZE];
bool RunPCAnnotations(VA pc, VA nPC);

#define RUN_PC_ANNOTATIONS(_pc,_npc)  \
   if (ANN_TAG(_pc)  != annCache[ANN_INDEX(ANN_TAG(_pc))].postAnnTag || \
       ANN_TAG(_npc) != annCache[ANN_INDEX(ANN_TAG(_npc))].preAnnTag) { \
         RunPCAnnotations(_pc,_npc);  \

 *   Fast Memory (FM) Annotation Lookup
 *       This module provides a mechanism for cpu simulators
 *       to quickly determine if there is a memory annotation
 *       on a range of addresses.

#define ANNFM_PC_TYPE     0x0001
#define ANNFM_PRE_PC_TYPE 0x0002
#define ANNFM_LD_TYPE     0x0004
#define ANNFM_ST_TYPE     0x0008

void   AnnFMInit(uint rangeSize);
int    AnnFMRangeCheck(VA addr, int types);
uint   AnnFMRangeVector(VA addr, int types);
AnnPtr AnnFMLookup(VA addr, int type);
void   AnnFMExec(VA addr, int type);
int    AnnFMTypesExist(int type);

 * Random Annotations that don't fit anywhere else

extern uint scacheAnnotation;
extern void ScacheAnnotation(VA _vAddr, PA _pAddr, uint type, uint cpu);

#endif /* ANNOTATIONS_H */