disassembler.h 5.1 KB
 * Copyright (C) 1998 by the Board of Trustees
 *    of Leland Stanford Junior University.
 * Copyright (C) 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation
 * This file is part of the SimOS distribution.
 * See LICENSE file for terms of the license.

 * bugnion:
 * would not compile because of bogus pascal comment
 * cpp died

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/* $Header: /root/leakn64/depot/rf/sw/bbplayer/simos/cpus-alpha/gamma/disassembler.h,v 2002/05/29 01:09:11 blythe Exp $ */

/* Disassembler package */

/* Three sets of register names which people might want to use:
  compiler: zero, at, v0, ...
  hardware: r0, r1, r2, ...
  assembler: $0, $at, $2,...
#define COMPILER_NAMES dis_reg_names[0]
#define HARDWARE_NAMES dis_reg_names[1]
#define ASSEMBLER_NAMES dis_reg_names[2]

#ifdef __LANGUAGE_C__

extern char *dis_reg_names[3][32];

/* Initialize disassembler and set options for disassembly.

  "addr_format" and "value_format" specify in the style of "printf" the
  null-terminated formats for printing the address and value of the
  instruction. If nil, they default to "%#010x\t"; if they are the empty
  string, we omit to print these items.

  "reg_names" is a pointer to an array of 32 strings which we will use to
  represent the general-purpose registers. The *_NAMES macros above give
  three common choices; if nil, we use compiler names.

  print_jal_targets tells us whether to print the targets of jal
  instructions numerically.
  char *addr_format;
  char *value_format;
  char *reg_names[];
  int print_jal_targets;

/* Given a null-terminated buffer (presumably from "disasm"), we append an
  ascii representation of register values in the form "\t<$5=0x50,$7=0x44,...>".
  "regmask" is a bitmask of registers as in "disasm", "reg_values" an array
  (with empty slots for the registers not indicated in the mask) of their
  values */
  char *buffer;
  unsigned regmask;
  unsigned reg_values[]

/* Disassemble instruction, putting null-terminated result into "buffer"
  (no trailing newline). Details governed by "dis_init".
  buffer: array of characters allocated by the caller; 64 bytes should be
    more than enough.
  address: byte address
  iword: the instruction
  regmask: returns a bitmask of the gp registers the instruction uses,
    with the LSB indicating register 0 regardless of endianness.
  symbol_value: for a jal instruction, the target value; for a load or
    store, the immediate value
  ls_register: for a load or store, the number of the base register
  return value: -1 for a load or store, 1 for a jal, 2 for a j, jr, jalr,
    or branch, 0 for others
  char *buffer;
  unsigned address, iword, *regmask, *symbol_value, *ls_register

/* Older interface, which always prints on stdout */
disassembler(/* unsigned iadr; int regstyle; char *(*get_symname)();
  int (*get_regvalue)(); long (*get_bytes)(); void (*print_header)()
