--- epirawdma.o ---
        /usr/bin/cc -xansi    -D_ULTRA64 -DNDEBUG -D_FINALROM -I. -I/disk6/yutaka/PR/libultra/include -I/disk6/yutaka/PR/include -I/disk6/yutaka/PR/libleo/org/include -non_shared -mips2 -fullwarn -G 0 -wlint,-f -woff 819,826,852 -O2  -Wab,-r4300_mul -nostdinc -I/disk6/yutaka/usr/include   -MDupdate Makedepend -woff 515,608,658,799 -c ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c
cfe: Warning 827: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 126: implicit conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned long' (possible rounding / loss of accuracy)
                pgsize=2^(pihandle->pageSize +1);
cfe: Warning 835: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 140: No prototype for the call to an anonymous function
                        __osEPiReadIo(pihandle, devAddr-2, &buffer);
To achieve better type-checking, there should be a full prototype for
the function being called.
cfe: Error: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 144: Bad operand type for += or -=
                        devAddr += 2;   dramAddr += 2;  size -= 2;
                        -------------   ---------^
cfe: Warning 835: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 154: No prototype for the call to an anonymous function
                                __osEPiReadIo(pihandle, devAddr, &buffer);
To achieve better type-checking, there should be a full prototype for
the function being called.
cfe: Warning 827: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 156: implicit conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned short' (possible rounding / loss of accuracy)
                                ++adr;  *adr = buffer>>16;
                                ------  -^
cfe: Warning 827: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 157: implicit conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned short' (possible rounding / loss of accuracy)
                                ++adr;  *adr = buffer&0xffff;
                                ------  -^
cfe: Error: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 159: Bad operand type for += or -=
                                devAddr += 4;   dramAddr += 4;  size -= 4;
                                -------------   ---------^
cfe: Warning 835: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 170: No prototype for the call to an anonymous function
                                __osEPiReadIo(pihandle, devAddr, &buffer);
To achieve better type-checking, there should be a full prototype for
the function being called.
cfe: Error: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 173: Bad operand type for += or -=
                                devAddr += 2;   dramAddr += 2;  size -= 2;
                                -------------   ---------^
cfe: Warning 835: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 187: No prototype for the call to an anonymous function
                                __osEPiReadIo(pihandle, devAddr+size-2, &buffer);
To achieve better type-checking, there should be a full prototype for
the function being called.
cfe: Warning 835: ../nintendo/pi/epirawdma.c, line 195: No prototype for the call to an anonymous function
                                __osEPiReadIo(pihandle, devAddr+size-4, &buffer);
To achieve better type-checking, there should be a full prototype for
the function being called.
*** Error code 1
smake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
smake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
smake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
smake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
smake: 1 error