615 Bytes
# vlsi.boo
# best case timing
define dly_environment_file_name dly_env_bst
# libraries
cell_library nledir .
# MDA library code
library /ecad/compass/v8r4.6/patch4/site/mda-r1-umb.lib
# hotpatch to fix bug in chipcomp to handle RAC
library u7184-umb.lib
# hotpatch
library suh_checks_sgmb_4_6_5.lib
cell_library sudp /hosts/jax/a/Reality/rcp/layout/iu/sudp
cell_library vudp /hosts/jax/a/Reality/rcp/layout/vusl/vudp
search_path nledir sudp vudp lib_patches ne35hd130d ne35dp120d nece01_sgid ne35io120d ne35ro110d rambus vsnl000x vlogdp010d cmosch000x
Define GlobalPowerName vdd
Define GlobalGroundName vss