cvvalidpix.v 1.83 KB
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 *               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
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// $Id: cvvalidpix.v,v 2002/05/17 06:07:45 blythe Exp $

   // Project Reality
   // module:      cvvalidpix
   // description: generate one bit indicating if the current pixel
   // 	       	     is valid or not.  Active high.
   // designer:    Mike M. Cai	 6/16/94

module cvvalidpix(   // output
		     // inputs
		     new_span, reset, gclk); 
output 	    valid_pixel;
input 	    valid_pixel_m;
input 	    new_span, reset, gclk;

reg   	    s1, s0;
reg   	    valid_pixel;

always @(posedge gclk or negedge reset)
   if ( reset == 1'h0)
      	 s1 <= 1'h0;
	 s0 <= 1'h0;
  else  begin
      s1    <= ~new_span & ( s1 | (~valid_pixel_m & s0));
      s0    <= ~new_span & valid_pixel_m & ~s1;
      valid_pixel <= s1 ? 1'h0 : valid_pixel_m;

endmodule  //  cvvalidpix