Makefile 1.57 KB
# Makefile for Compass standard cell blocks - EP (Edge Walker Pipe)
# Created by Matthew Rohm    6/3/94
# Modified by Phil Gossett   10/19/94

#  Include the generic Makefile                     #
#  - you MUST include this file -                   #
include /ecad/reality/include/Makefile.incl

#  Verilog source definitions                       #
#                                                   #
#  - you MUST define all the verilog files          #
#    necessary to compile a particular module.      #
#    this provides dependency checking, you do not  #
#    need to define the macro libraries you use,    #
#    unless you want dependency checking on them.   #
#  - remember that "make" is sensitive about        #
#    spaces as opposed to tabs.                     #

RDP =	"rdp.v"

RDP_MS =	"rdp_ms.v"

#  targets                                     #
#                                              #
#  - these are dummy targets that are useful   #
#    for re-calling make with the appropriate  #
#    variables and targets. don't expect to    #
#    find a file called "block".syn            #

	make BLOCK="rdp_ms" VSRCS=$(RDP_MS) syn

	make BLOCK="rdp" VSRCS=$(RDP) syn

rdp.sch: rdp.syn
	make BLOCK="rdp" sch

rdp.apr: rdp.syn
	make BLOCK="rdp" apr