dpmux2041.vmd 1.7 KB
/*    Verilog module of datapath cell dpmux2041              */
/*    Designed by    Chunling liu  Compass  July 20, 92     */
/*                                                            */
/*    The following is the port description                   */
/*    Data ports                                              */
/*        I0   : the input port                               */
/*        I1   : the input port                               */
/*        I2   : the input port                               */
/*        I3   : the input port                               */
/*        Z    : the output port                              */
/*    Control ports                                           */
/*        INST_S0 : the select input signal                   */
/*        INST_S1 : the select input signal                   */
/*    Parameters                                              */
/*        WORDSIZE  : the word size of the datapath cell      */
/*        DELAY     : the delay time from input to output     */
module dpmux2041(I0, I1, I2, I3, ZN, INST_S1, INST_S0);

  parameter WORDSIZE = 8, DELAY = 4;
  input  [WORDSIZE-1:0] I0, I1, I2, I3;
  output [WORDSIZE-1:0] ZN;
  input  INST_S1, INST_S0;

  function [WORDSIZE-1:0] mux;
  input  [WORDSIZE-1:0] i0, i1, i2, i3;
  input  [1:0]sel;

      case (sel)
        2'b 00 : mux = ~i0;
        2'b 01 : mux = ~i1;
        2'b 10 : mux = ~i2;
        2'b 11 : mux = ~i3;
        default mux = {WORDSIZE{1'b x}};

  assign #DELAY ZN = mux(I0, I1, I2, I3, {INST_S1,INST_S0});
