dpsub001h.vmd 2 KB
/*    Verilog module of datapath cell dpsub001h              */
/*    Designed by    Chunling Liu Compass       July 30,1992  */
/*                                                            */
/*    The following is the port description                   */
/*    Data ports                                              */
/*        A    : the input port                               */
/*        B    : the input port                               */
/*        CIN  : the carry input                              */
/*        SO   : the output port                              */
/*        COUT : the carry output                             */
/*    Control ports                                           */
/*        INST_OVR  : the carry overflow flag output          */
/*        INST_CIN  : the carry input                         */
/*    Parameters                                              */
/*        WORDSIZE  : the word size of the datapath cell      */
/*        DELAY     : the delay time from input to output     */
/*        BF    : the  with/without buffer flag           */
/*                    0 for without buffer; 1 for with buffer */
module dpsub001h(A, B, INST_CIN, SO, INST_COUT, INST_OVR);

  parameter WORDSIZE = 8, DELAY = 15, BF = 1;
  input  [WORDSIZE-1:0] A, B;
  input  INST_CIN;
  output [WORDSIZE-1:0] SO;
  output INST_COUT;
  output INST_OVR;

  reg [WORDSIZE:0] carry;

  function [WORDSIZE-1:0] sub;
     input [WORDSIZE-1:0] a, b, cin;

     integer i;

       carry[0] = cin[0];
       for (i=0; i<WORDSIZE; i=i+1)
          sub[i]  = a[i] ^ ~b[i] ^ carry[i];
          carry[i+1]  = (a[i]&~b[i]) |
                        (a[i]&carry[i]) |
                        (~b[i]&carry[i]) ;

  assign #DELAY
     SO = sub(A,B,INST_CIN),
     INST_COUT = carry[WORDSIZE],
     INST_OVR = carry[WORDSIZE-1];
