2.89 KB
/* Echo start time */
sh "date"
/* custom variables                                                          */
module = "tf"
default_max_transition = 1.5

/* set the path and read                                                     */
search_path = search_path \
   + "../src" \
   + "../../inc" \
   + "../../../lib/verilog/user" \
   + "../../syn"

read -f verilog tf_mux9.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_booth.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_booth0.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_booth8.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa8.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa9.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa10.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa11.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa12.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_fa13.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_ha1.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_ha2.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_ha3.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_haco.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_faco.v 
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_faso.v
read -f verilog tf_lerp_csa_add12.v
read -f verilog module + ".v"

/* default constraint                                                        */
set_max_area 0
set_dont_touch { ne35hd130d/nt01d* }

set_max_transition default_max_transition current_design

/* clock and I/O timing, drive & load                                        */
include "tf.tmg"

/* check                                                                     */
check_design > module + ".lint"

/* compile                                                                   */
compile -map_effort high -ungroup_all -incremental

/* write                                                                     */
include "tf.tmg"
include "report.dc"

write -format edif -hierarchy -o module + ".edf" module
write -format db -hierarchy -o module + ".db" module

/* Echo end time */
sh "date"
