contquery.c 1.77 KB
 *                                                                        *
 *               Copyright (C) 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
 *                                                                        *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright law.  They  may  not be disclosed  *
 *  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or  *
 *  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.  *
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#include "osint.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "siint.h"

 * This call issues a query command to controllers to get  the status 
 * and controller type information.
 * A value of 0 is returned if the calls succeed, otherwise
 * -1 is returned
osContStartQuery(OSMesgQueue *mq)
	s32	ret = 0;

	/* Block to get resource token */

	if (CONT_REQUEST != __osContLastCmd) {

		/* Set up request command format for all channels */

		ret = __osSiRawStartDma(OS_WRITE, &__osContPifRam);
		(void)osRecvMesg(mq, (OSMesg *)NULL, OS_MESG_BLOCK);

	/* trigger pifmacro */

	ret = __osSiRawStartDma(OS_READ, &__osContPifRam);

	__osContLastCmd = CONT_REQUEST;
	/* Return resource token */

 * Reformat the 64 bytes RAM data into RequestData format 
 * and check error code.
osContGetQuery(OSContStatus *data)
	u8 pattern;

	__osContGetInitData(&pattern, data);