tex.v 10.2 KB
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// $Id: tex.v,v 2002/05/02 03:29:06 blythe Exp $

// Project Reality
// module:	tex
// description:	Texture Unit
//		WARNING: This module is for verification only. Do not
//			 make any changes to this module and expect them
//			 to end up in the RCP.
// designer:	Tony DeLaurier
// date:	8/11/94

`timescale 10ps / 10ps  // 1unit = 0.01ns

module tex (gclk, reset_l, bist_go, bist_check, iddq, st_span, ncyc, l, s, t, 
	    w, min_level, detail_en, sharp_en, lod_en, persp_en, copy, samp_type, 
	    tlut_en, tlut_type, max_level, prim_tile, load, shift_coord, tile_adrs, 
	    tile_data, we_tile_size, we_tile_attr, l_frac, 
	    lod_ge_one, s_frac_rg, t_frac_rg, s_frac_ba, t_frac_ba, red_a, green_a, 
	    blue_a, alpha_a, red_b, green_b, blue_b, alpha_b, red_c, green_c, blue_c, 
	    alpha_c, red_d, green_d, blue_d, alpha_d, copy_load, load_dv, bist_done, 
	    bist0_fail, bist1_fail, bist2_fail, bist3_fail, bist4_fail, bist5_fail, 
	    bist6_fail, bist7_fail);

  input gclk;                   // RDP gated clock
  input reset_l;                // reset (active low)
  input bist_go;                // mem test enable
  input bist_check;             // bist test enable
  input iddq;                   // iddq mode enabled

  input st_span;                // start span
  input ncyc;                	// 0: 1-cycle mode, 1: 2-cycle mode

  // pixel data
  input [15:0] l;               // level of detail 
  input [15:0] s;               // persp. divided texture image coord.
  input [15:0] t;               // persp. divided texture image coord.
  input [15:0] w;               // inverse normalized depth

  // attribute data
  input [4:0] min_level;        // minimum lod fraction clamp
  input detail_en;              // enable detailed texture
  input sharp_en;               // enable sharpened texture
  input lod_en;                 // use lod in tile indices determination
  input persp_en;               // enable perspective correction
  input copy;                	// copy mode enabled
  input samp_type;              // filter enabled
  input tlut_en;              	// enable texture lookup table
  input tlut_type;              // tlut type

  // primitive data
  input [2:0] max_level;        // number of mipmaps -1 or -2
  input [2:0] prim_tile;        // base tile index of primitive
  input load;                   // load_tile, load_block or load_tlut
  input shift_coord;            // treat coord as 12.3 instead of 10.5

  // from command interface unit
  input [2:0] tile_adrs;        // tile write address
  input [47:0] tile_data;       // tile input data
  input we_tile_size;           // write enable for tile size data
  input we_tile_attr;           // write enable for tile attribute data

  // to color combine unit
  output [8:0] l_frac;          // lod fraction for 3rd-axis interpolation
  output lod_ge_one;            // lod >= 1

  // to texture filter unit
  output [7:0] s_frac_rg;       // s interp fraction to filter (RG)
  output [7:0] t_frac_rg;       // t interp fraction to filter (RG)
  output [7:0] s_frac_ba;       // s interp fraction to filter (BA)
  output [7:0] t_frac_ba;       // t interp fraction to filter (BA)

  output [8:0] red_a;           // texel a, red / u channel
  output [8:0] green_a;         // texel a, green / v channel
  output [8:0] blue_a;          // texel a, blue / y channel
  output [8:0] alpha_a;         // texel a, alpha / y channel

  output [8:0] red_b;           // texel b, red / u channel
  output [8:0] green_b;         // texel b, green / v channel
  output [8:0] blue_b;          // texel b, blue / y channel
  output [8:0] alpha_b;         // texel b, alpha / y channel

  output [8:0] red_c;           // texel c, red / u channel
  output [8:0] green_c;         // texel c, green / v channel
  output [8:0] blue_c;          // texel c, blue / y channel
  output [8:0] alpha_c;         // texel c, alpha / y channel

  output [8:0] red_d;           // texel d, red / u channel
  output [8:0] green_d;         // texel d, green / v channel
  output [8:0] blue_d;          // texel d, blue / y channel
  output [8:0] alpha_d;         // texel d, alpha / y channel

  // to / from memspan unit
  inout [63:0] copy_load;       // bidirectional copy / load bus
  input load_dv;                // valid load data on copy_load bus

  // other
  output bist_done;             // bist done
  output bist0_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk0)
  output bist1_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk1)
  output bist2_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk2)
  output bist3_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk3)
  output bist4_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk4)
  output bist5_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk5)
  output bist6_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk6)
  output bist7_fail;            // mem test fail flag (active high) (bnk7)

  // wires
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk0l;        // sorted address to low bank 0
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk1l;        // sorted address to low bank 1
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk2l;        // sorted address to low bank 2
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk3l;        // sorted address to low bank 3
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk0h;        // sorted address to high bank 0
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk1h;        // sorted address to high bank 1
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk2h;        // sorted address to high bank 2
  wire [7:0] adrs_bnk3h;        // sorted address to high bank 3

  wire [4:0] adrs_a;            // address of texel a <12,3:0>
  wire [4:0] adrs_b_ba;         // address of texel b (ba banks) <12,3:0>
  wire [4:0] adrs_c;            // address of texel c <12,3:0>
  wire [4:0] adrs_d_ba;         // address of texel d (ba banks) <12,3:0>
  wire [4:0] adrs_b_rg;         // address of texel b (rg banks) <12,3:0>
  wire [4:0] adrs_d_rg;         // address of texel d (rg banks) <12,3:0>

  wire swap_rg;                 // swap texels (RG)
  wire swap_ba;                 // swap texels (BA)

  wire [2:0] tile_tex_type;     // tile_tex_type 
  wire [1:0] tile_tex_size;     // tile_tex_size 
  wire [3:0] palette;           // palette for 4-bit color index

  wire odd_t;                   // odd line
  wire a_three;                 // address a[3] before interleave
  wire a_twelve;                // address a[12] 

  wire [7:0] clr_ind_a;         // color index texel a
  wire [7:0] clr_ind_b;         // color index texel b
  wire [7:0] clr_ind_c;         // color index texel c
  wire [7:0] clr_ind_d;         // color index texel d

  // instance tc

  tc tc (.gclk(gclk), .st_span(st_span), .ncyc(ncyc), .l(l), .s(s), .t(t), 
         .w(w), .min_level(min_level), .detail_en(detail_en), 
         .sharp_en(sharp_en), .lod_en(lod_en), .persp_en(persp_en), 
         .copy(copy), .samp_type(samp_type), .tlut_en(tlut_en), 
         .max_level(max_level), .prim_tile(prim_tile), .load(load), 
         .shift_coord(shift_coord), .tile_adrs(tile_adrs), 
         .tile_data(tile_data), .we_tile_size(we_tile_size), 
         .we_tile_attr(we_tile_attr), .clr_ind_a(clr_ind_a), 
         .clr_ind_b(clr_ind_b), .clr_ind_c(clr_ind_c), .clr_ind_d(clr_ind_d), 
         .lod_ge_one(lod_ge_one), .s_frac_rg(s_frac_rg), 
         .t_frac_rg(t_frac_rg), .s_frac_ba(s_frac_ba), .t_frac_ba(t_frac_ba), 
         .adrs_bnk0l(adrs_bnk0l), .adrs_bnk1l(adrs_bnk1l), 
         .adrs_bnk2l(adrs_bnk2l), .adrs_bnk3l(adrs_bnk3l), 
         .adrs_bnk0h(adrs_bnk0h), .adrs_bnk1h(adrs_bnk1h), 
         .adrs_bnk2h(adrs_bnk2h), .adrs_bnk3h(adrs_bnk3h), .adrs_a(adrs_a), 
         .adrs_b_ba(adrs_b_ba), .adrs_c(adrs_c), .adrs_d_ba(adrs_d_ba), 
         .adrs_b_rg(adrs_b_rg), .adrs_d_rg(adrs_d_rg), .swap_rg(swap_rg), 
         .swap_ba(swap_ba), .tile_tex_type_1d(tile_tex_type), 
         .tile_tex_size_1d(tile_tex_size), .palette(palette), 
         .odd_t(odd_t), .a_three(a_three), .a_twelve(a_twelve)); 

  // instance tm

  tm tm (.gclk(gclk), .reset_l(reset_l), .bist_go(bist_go), .bist_check(bist_check), 
	 .iddq(iddq), .tlut_en(tlut_en), .tlut_type(tlut_type), 
         .adrs_bnk0l(adrs_bnk0l), .adrs_bnk1l(adrs_bnk1l), 
         .adrs_bnk2l(adrs_bnk2l), .adrs_bnk3l(adrs_bnk3l), 
         .adrs_bnk0h(adrs_bnk0h), .adrs_bnk1h(adrs_bnk1h), 
         .adrs_bnk2h(adrs_bnk2h), .adrs_bnk3h(adrs_bnk3h), 
         .adrs_a(adrs_a), .adrs_b_ba(adrs_b_ba), .adrs_c(adrs_c), 
         .adrs_d_ba(adrs_d_ba), .adrs_b_rg(adrs_b_rg), .adrs_d_rg(adrs_d_rg), 
         .swap_rg(swap_rg), .swap_ba(swap_ba), .tile_tex_type(tile_tex_type), 
         .tile_tex_size(tile_tex_size), .palette(palette), .odd_t(odd_t), 
         .a_three(a_three), .a_twelve(a_twelve),
	 .clr_ind_a(clr_ind_a), .clr_ind_b(clr_ind_b), 
	 .clr_ind_c(clr_ind_c), .clr_ind_d(clr_ind_d), .red_a(red_a), 
	 .green_a(green_a), .blue_a(blue_a), .alpha_a(alpha_a), .red_b(red_b), 
	 .green_b(green_b), .blue_b(blue_b), .alpha_b(alpha_b), .red_c(red_c), 
	 .green_c(green_c), .blue_c(blue_c), .alpha_c(alpha_c), .red_d(red_d), 
	 .green_d(green_d), .blue_d(blue_d), .alpha_d(alpha_d), 
	 .copy_load(copy_load), .load_dv(load_dv), .bist_done(bist_done), 
	 .bist0_fail(bist0_fail), .bist1_fail(bist1_fail), .bist2_fail(bist2_fail), 
	 .bist3_fail(bist3_fail), .bist4_fail(bist4_fail), .bist5_fail(bist5_fail), 
	 .bist6_fail(bist6_fail), .bist7_fail(bist7_fail));

endmodule // tex