ep_tc.v 2.63 KB
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// $Id: ep_tc.v,v 1.2 2002/11/22 00:34:20 rws Exp $

// Project Reality
// module:      ep_tc
// description: Top level for edge walker pipe.
// designer:    Phil Gossett
// date:        6/7/95

module ep_tc (clk, start_gclk, tlut_en, tc_load, ew_st_span, ew_d,
	st_span_st_w, st_span_st_s, st_span_st_t,
	st_span_tc, st_span_10d,
	d_w, d_s, d_t, d_3d);

input clk, start_gclk;
input tlut_en;
input tc_load;
input ew_st_span;
input [21:0] ew_d;

output st_span_st_w;
output st_span_st_s;
output st_span_st_t;
output st_span_tc;
output st_span_10d;
output [21:0] d_w;
output [21:0] d_s;
output [21:0] d_t;
output [21:0] d_3d;

reg st_span_1d;
reg st_span_2d;
reg st_span_3d;
reg st_span_4d;
reg st_span_5d;
reg st_span_6d;
reg st_span_7d;
reg st_span_8d;
reg st_span_9d;
reg st_span_10d;
reg [21:0] d_1d;
reg [21:0] d_2d;
reg [21:0] d_3d;
reg tc_load_1d;

always @(posedge clk)
  if (start_gclk) begin
	st_span_1d  <= ew_st_span;
	st_span_2d  <= st_span_1d;
	st_span_3d  <= st_span_2d;
	st_span_4d  <= st_span_3d;
	st_span_5d  <= st_span_4d;
	st_span_6d  <= st_span_5d;
	st_span_7d  <= st_span_6d;
	st_span_8d  <= st_span_7d;
	st_span_9d  <= st_span_8d;
	st_span_10d <= st_span_9d;

	d_1d  <= ew_d;
	d_2d  <= d_1d;
	d_3d  <= d_2d;

	tc_load_1d <= tc_load;

assign st_span_st_w = tlut_en ? st_span_5d : st_span_7d;
assign st_span_st_s = (tlut_en & !tc_load_1d) ? st_span_7d : st_span_9d;
assign st_span_st_t = (tlut_en & !tc_load_1d) ? st_span_7d : st_span_9d;
assign st_span_tc   = (tlut_en & !tc_load   ) ? st_span_6d : st_span_8d;

assign d_w = tlut_en ? d_1d : d_3d;
assign d_s = (tlut_en & !tc_load_1d) ? d_1d : d_3d;
assign d_t = (tlut_en & !tc_load_1d) ? ew_d : d_2d;

endmodule // ep_tc