ew32blatch.v 3.36 KB
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 *               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
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 *  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed  *
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// $Id: ew32blatch.v,v 1.1 2002/05/21 23:55:43 berndt Exp $

   // Project Reality
   // module:      ew32benlatch
   // description: 32-bit wide latch for ew attribute register file
   // designer:    Mike M. Cai   6/28/94

module ew32blatch(q, d, e, eo, clk);
output [31:0]  q;
input [31:0]   d;
input 	       eo, e;
input 	       clk;

// in01d1 invclk(.zn(iclk), .i(clk));
// fn01d1 wengclk(.zn(wen), .b1(e), .a1(clk));
// in01d4 wenbufni(.zn(wenbuf), .i(wen));
nr02d2  wenbuf0nr ( .a1(clk), .a2(e), .zn(wenbuf0));
nr02d2  wenbuf1nr ( .a1(clk), .a2(e), .zn(wenbuf1));
nr02d2  wenbuf2nr ( .a1(clk), .a2(e), .zn(wenbuf2));
nr02d2  wenbuf3nr ( .a1(clk), .a2(e), .zn(wenbuf3));

	ltch0 (.z(q[0]), .d(d[0]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch1 (.z(q[1]), .d(d[1]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch2 (.z(q[2]), .d(d[2]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch3 (.z(q[3]), .d(d[3]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch4 (.z(q[4]), .d(d[4]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch5 (.z(q[5]), .d(d[5]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch6 (.z(q[6]), .d(d[6]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch7 (.z(q[7]), .d(d[7]), .e(wenbuf0), .oe(eo)),
	ltch8 (.z(q[8]), .d(d[8]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch9 (.z(q[9]), .d(d[9]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch10 (.z(q[10]), .d(d[10]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch11 (.z(q[11]), .d(d[11]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch12 (.z(q[12]), .d(d[12]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch13 (.z(q[13]), .d(d[13]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch14 (.z(q[14]), .d(d[14]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch15 (.z(q[15]), .d(d[15]), .e(wenbuf1), .oe(eo)),
	ltch16 (.z(q[16]), .d(d[16]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch17 (.z(q[17]), .d(d[17]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch18 (.z(q[18]), .d(d[18]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch19 (.z(q[19]), .d(d[19]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch20 (.z(q[20]), .d(d[20]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch21 (.z(q[21]), .d(d[21]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch22 (.z(q[22]), .d(d[22]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch23 (.z(q[23]), .d(d[23]), .e(wenbuf2), .oe(eo)),
	ltch24 (.z(q[24]), .d(d[24]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch25 (.z(q[25]), .d(d[25]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch26 (.z(q[26]), .d(d[26]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch27 (.z(q[27]), .d(d[27]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch28 (.z(q[28]), .d(d[28]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch29 (.z(q[29]), .d(d[29]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch30 (.z(q[30]), .d(d[30]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo)),
	ltch31 (.z(q[31]), .d(d[31]), .e(wenbuf3), .oe(eo));

endmodule  //  ew32blatch