ewscy.v 4.74 KB
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// $Id: ewscy.v,v 1.2 2002/11/22 00:34:20 rws Exp $
   // Project Reality
   // module:      ewscy
   // description: counts and scissors y coordinate with 2-subpixel 
   // designer:    Mike M. Cai   6/20/94

module ewscy(  equal_ym, //equal_ymint, equal_ymfrc,
      	       xval, allx_invalid, y_invalid,
	       yh_2ms, y_cur_lsb, y_dither,
      	       cs_ew_d, ld_y,
	       scbox_ymax, scbox_ymin,
      	       count_y, shift_xval, load_cmd, flush, edge_cross, sel_xval, 
	       sc_field, clk, start_gclk);
output	       equal_ym;//  equal_ymint, equal_ymfrc;
output	       end_prim_y, allx_invalid , y_invalid;
output [3:0]   xval;
output [11:0]  yh_2ms;
output	       y_cur_lsb;
output [1:0]   y_dither;
input [63:0]   cs_ew_d;
input 	       ld_y;
input [11:0]   scbox_ymax, scbox_ymin;
input 	       count_y, shift_xval,load_cmd, flush, edge_cross;
input 	       sel_xval, sc_field, clk, start_gclk;

// registers
reg   [13:0]   ym, yl, yh;
reg   [13:0]   y_cur;
wire  [11:0]   yh_2ms;
wire  	       y_cur_lsb;
// y count incrementer
wire  [13:0]   sum;
// determining to switch from ym to yl
wire  	       equal_ym, equal_ymint, equal_ymfrc;
// scissor with scbox_ymax and determine end of primitive
reg   	       yl_ismin_scymax;
wire [13:0]    min_yl_scymax;
wire  	       end_prim_y;
// scisor with scbox_ymin and determine invalid subpixel spans
reg   	       yh_ismax;
wire [13:0]    max_yh_scmin;
wire  	       x_invalid;
// xval
reg [3:0]      xval;
wire  	       allx_invalid;
reg  	       y_invalid;
reg [1:0]     y_dither_m, y_dither;

always @(posedge clk)
   if (start_gclk) begin
      ym <= ld_y ? cs_ew_d[29:16] : ym;
      yl <= ld_y ? cs_ew_d[45:32] : yl;
      yh <= ld_y ? cs_ew_d[13:0] : yh;  
      y_cur <= ld_y ? {cs_ew_d[13:2], 2'h0} : sum; // starting from a scan-line
      y_dither_m <= sc_field ? y_cur[4:3] : y_cur[3:2];
      y_dither <= sel_xval ? y_dither_m : y_dither;
assign  yh_2ms = y_cur[13:2];
assign  y_cur_lsb = y_cur[2];
// assign  y_dither[1:0] = y_cur[3:2];
// counter increment
ewscyinc14b increment (.sum(sum), .a(y_cur), .ci(count_y));

// compare current y with ym to switch from ym to yl
   equal_ymint = (ym[13:2] == y_cur[13:2]),
   equal_ymfrc = ym[1:0] == y_cur[1:0],
   equal_ym = equal_ymint & equal_ymfrc;

// min(yl, scbox_ymax) to determine the end of primitive
always @(yl or scbox_ymax)
      if (yl[13])
      	 yl_ismin_scymax = 1'b1;
      else if (yl[12])
      	 yl_ismin_scymax = 1'b0;
      	 yl_ismin_scymax = yl[11:0] < scbox_ymax;
assign  min_yl_scymax = (yl_ismin_scymax | load_cmd) ? yl : {2'b0,scbox_ymax};

// Terminate primitive if current y >= min(yl, scbox_ymax)
// assign  end_prim_y = ({~y_cur[13],y_cur[12:0]} >= {~min_yl_scymax[13], min_yl_scymax[12:0]}) 
//       	       	     | flush | (edge_cross & ~x_invalid);
assign end_prim_y = ({~y_cur[13],y_cur[12:0]} >= {~min_yl_scymax[13],min_yl_scymax[12:0]}) 
       	       	     | flush;

// cancel the span if current y < max(scbox_ymin, yh)
always @( yh or scbox_ymin)
      if (yh[13])
      	 yh_ismax = 1'h0;
      else if (yh[12])
      	 yh_ismax = 1'h1;
      	 yh_ismax = yh >= scbox_ymin;
assign max_yh_scmin = (yh_ismax | load_cmd) ? yh : {2'h0, scbox_ymin};
assign x_invalid = {~y_cur[13],y_cur[12:0]} < {~max_yh_scmin[13], max_yh_scmin[12:0]}
      	       	  | edge_cross ;
assign  allx_invalid = ~(|xval);
// get xval
// shift == count_y
always @(posedge clk)
   if (start_gclk) begin
      xval[0] <= shift_xval ? ~( end_prim_y | x_invalid) : xval[0];
      xval[1] <= shift_xval ? xval[0] : xval[1];
      xval[2] <= shift_xval ? xval[1] : xval[2];
      xval[3] <= shift_xval ? xval[2] : xval[3];
      y_invalid <= end_prim_y | x_invalid;
endmodule  //  ewscy