ls.v 5.66 KB
 *                                                                        *
 *               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
 *                                                                        *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed  *
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// $Id: ls.v,v 1.3 2002/11/17 19:55:47 berndt Exp $

// ls.v		rsp load/store unit
// The RSP is big-endian.

// Alignment of unaligned data is implemented with a two-stage rotator.
// The first stage takes the 16 bytes of raw dmem output and rotates it
// right by 0 to 3 words.  (1 word = 4 bytes)  The second stage rotates
// the output of the first stage by 0 to 3 bytes right.

// The scalar unit communicates with bits <127:96> of the data bus.

`timescale 1ns / 10ps

module ls(clk, reset_l, halt, rd_base, ls_drive_rd_base, 
	rd_offset, rd_elem_num, 
	address, df_ls_drive_ls_in_wb, df_pass_thru, 
	su_ex_store, su_ex_load, vu_ex_store, vu_ex_load, 
	ex_mtc2, ex_mfc2, ex_cfc2, cp0_write, ex_mfc0, pc, 
	vu_rd_ld_dec_k, vu_rd_st_dec_k, 
	vu_bwe, chip_sel, df_datain, df_wen_l, df_chip_sel_l,
	df_addr_low, df_addr_high, debug_df_dma_rd_to_dm,
	dmem_dataout, ex_su_byte_ls, ex_su_half_ls, ex_su_uns_ls,
	ex_dma_rd_to_dm, ex_dma_dm_to_rd, dma_wen, mem_write_data, 
	dma_address, dmem_rd_data, 
	ls_data, ls_ls_data, cp0_din, cp0_dout);

    input		clk;
    input		reset_l;
    input		halt;
    input	[3:0]	rd_base; 
    input		ls_drive_rd_base; 
    input	[3:0]	rd_offset;
    input	[3:0]	rd_elem_num;
    input	[11:0]	address;		// byte address
    input		df_ls_drive_ls_in_wb;
    input		df_pass_thru;
    input		su_ex_store;
    input		su_ex_load;
    input		vu_ex_store;
    input		vu_ex_load;
    input		ex_mtc2;
    input		ex_mfc2;
    input		ex_cfc2;
    input		cp0_write;
    input	[11:0]	vu_rd_ld_dec_k;		// RD stage
    input	[11:0]	vu_rd_st_dec_k;		// RD stage
    input		chip_sel;		// from suctl, active high
    input		ex_su_byte_ls;
    input		ex_su_half_ls;
    input		ex_su_uns_ls;
    input 		ex_dma_rd_to_dm;
    input 		ex_dma_dm_to_rd;
    input	[3:0]	dma_wen;
    input	[11:3]	dma_address;
    input	[127:0]	dmem_dataout;
    input	[63:0]	mem_write_data;
    input		ex_mfc0;
    input	[11:2]	pc;

    output	[15:0]	vu_bwe;
    output		df_chip_sel_l;		// chip select, active low
    output	[15:0]	df_wen_l;
    output	[11:0]	df_addr_low;
    output	[11:0]	df_addr_high;
    output	[63:0]	dmem_rd_data;
    output	[127:0]	df_datain;
    output		debug_df_dma_rd_to_dm;	// for debug only

    input	[127:0]	ls_data;
    output	[127:0]	ls_ls_data;
    input	[31:0]	cp0_din;
    output	[31:0]	cp0_dout;

    wire		ex_dma_wen_noswap;
    wire		ex_dma_wen_swap;
    wire	[3:0]	ex_rot;
    wire	[3:0]	wb_rot;

    wire		wb_su_uns_ls;
    wire		wb_su_load;
    wire		wb_pass_thru;
    wire		wb_mfc2;
    wire		wb_cfc2;
    wire		ls_drive_ls;
    wire		wb_dma_dm_to_rd;
    wire	[11:0]	vu_ex_st_dec;
    wire	[9:6]	vu_wb_ld_dec;

    lsdp lsdp (
	.clk			(clk), 
	.reset_l		(reset_l), 
	.halt			(halt),
	.pc			(pc),
	.ls_data		(ls_data), 
	.ls_ls_data		(ls_ls_data), 
	.ex_mfc0		(ex_mfc0), 	// used to enable cbus drivers
	.df_datain		(df_datain), 
	.dmem_dataout		(dmem_dataout), 
	.ex_su_byte_ls		(ex_su_byte_ls), 
	.ex_su_half_ls		(ex_su_half_ls), 
	.cp0_write		(cp0_write), 
	.cp0_data		(cp0_din), 
	.cp0_data_out		(cp0_dout), 
	.ex_dma_wen_noswap	(ex_dma_wen_noswap), 
	.ex_dma_wen_swap	(ex_dma_wen_swap), 
	.vu_ex_st_dec		(vu_ex_st_dec), 
	.ex_rot			(ex_rot), 
	.wb_rot			(wb_rot), 
	.wb_su_load		(wb_su_load),
	.wb_su_uns_ls		(wb_su_uns_ls),
	.wb_pass_thru		(wb_pass_thru), 
	.wb_mfc2		(wb_mfc2),
	.wb_cfc2		(wb_cfc2),
	.ls_drive_ls		(ls_drive_ls), 
	.wb_dma_dm_to_rd	(wb_dma_dm_to_rd),
	.vu_wb_ld_dec		(vu_wb_ld_dec), 
	.mem_write_data		(mem_write_data),
	.dmem_rd_data		(dmem_rd_data)

    lsctl lsctl (
	.clk			(clk), 
	.reset_l		(reset_l), 
	.address		(address), 
	.rd_base		(rd_base), 
	.ls_drive_rd_base	(ls_drive_rd_base), 
	.ls_base		(ls_data[99:96]),
	.rd_offset		(rd_offset), 
	.rd_elem_num		(rd_elem_num), 
	.df_ls_drive_ls_in_wb	(df_ls_drive_ls_in_wb), 
	.df_pass_thru		(df_pass_thru), 
	.su_ex_store		(su_ex_store), 
	.su_ex_load		(su_ex_load), 
	.vu_ex_store		(vu_ex_store), 
	.vu_ex_load		(vu_ex_load), 
	.ex_mtc2		(ex_mtc2), 
	.ex_mfc2		(ex_mfc2), 
	.ex_cfc2		(ex_cfc2),
	.vu_rd_ld_dec_k		(vu_rd_ld_dec_k), 
	.vu_rd_st_dec_k		(vu_rd_st_dec_k), 
	.vu_ex_st_dec		(vu_ex_st_dec), 
	.ex_dma_wen_noswap	(ex_dma_wen_noswap), 
	.ex_dma_wen_swap	(ex_dma_wen_swap), 
	.vu_wb_ld_dec		(vu_wb_ld_dec), 
	.vu_bwe			(vu_bwe), 
	.chip_sel		(chip_sel), 
	.df_wen_l		(df_wen_l), 
	.df_chip_sel_l		(df_chip_sel_l),
	.df_addr_low		(df_addr_low), 
	.df_addr_high		(df_addr_high), 
	.debug_df_dma_rd_to_dm	(debug_df_dma_rd_to_dm),
	.ex_su_byte_ls		(ex_su_byte_ls), 
	.ex_su_half_ls		(ex_su_half_ls), 
	.ex_su_uns_ls		(ex_su_uns_ls),
 	.dma_address		(dma_address), 
	.dma_wen		(dma_wen),
	.ex_dma_rd_to_dm	(ex_dma_rd_to_dm), 
	.ex_dma_dm_to_rd	(ex_dma_dm_to_rd),
	.ex_rot			(ex_rot), 
	.wb_rot			(wb_rot), 
	.wb_dma_dm_to_rd	(wb_dma_dm_to_rd),
	.wb_su_load		(wb_su_load),
	.wb_su_uns_ls		(wb_su_uns_ls), 
	.wb_pass_thru		(wb_pass_thru), 
	.wb_mfc2		(wb_mfc2),
	.wb_cfc2		(wb_cfc2),
	.ls_drive_ls		(ls_drive_ls)
