ststwl.v 2.01 KB
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 *               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
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// $Id: ststwl.v,v 1.2 2002/11/22 00:34:20 rws Exp $
/*      Project Reality
        Created by Mike M. Cai  5/25/94

module ststwl(	  att_data_out, 
      	       	  att_data_in, dx, dy,
		  left_major, load, ncyc, clk, start_gclk);
output [15:0]  att_data_out;
input [26:0]   att_data_in, dx;
input [16:0]   dy;
input 	       left_major, load, ncyc, clk, start_gclk;

wire [26:0]    att_accum, dx_dir, dx_dir_m;
reg [26:0]     att_cur_s, att_cur_m;
wire [15:0]    att_data_out;
reg [15:0]     att_dy_out;
reg   	       comp_new;

always @(posedge clk)
   if (start_gclk) begin
      att_cur_m = load ? att_data_in : att_accum;
      att_cur_s <= (comp_new | load) ? att_cur_m : att_cur_s;
      comp_new <= load ? ~ncyc : (ncyc ? ~comp_new : comp_new);
      att_dy_out <= att_accum[26:11];
assign  dx_dir_m = (dx ~^ {27{left_major}}) & {27{comp_new}};
assign  dx_dir = comp_new ? dx_dir_m : {dy, 10'b0};
adder27b adder ( .sum(att_accum), .a(att_cur_s), .b(dx_dir), 
      	       	  .ci(~left_major & comp_new));

// assign  att_data_out = (comp_new & ncyc) ? att_cur_s[26:11] : att_dy_out ;
assign  att_data_out = (comp_new & ncyc) ? att_dy_out : att_cur_s[26:11];

endmodule  //  ststwl