sudp_sc.v 10.5 KB
*									*
*               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.		*
*									*
*  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain	*
*  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and	*
*  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed	*
*  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or	*
*  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.	*
*									*

*									*
*  Project Reality							*
*									*
*  module:	sudp_sc.v						*
*  description:	Scalar unit data path, standard cell version		*
*									*
*  designer:	Phil Gossett						*
*  date:	4/7/95							*
*									*

// $Id: sudp_sc.v,v 1.3 2003/01/03 23:53:45 berndt Exp $

module sudp_sc (clk, surf_wen, surf_w, surf_ra, surf_rb,
        suwben, suimmlsmux, suimmmux, suvulsoffsetmux, surdbmux,
        sudrivels, surdamux, suonesdet_z,
        sushbmux, sushamux, suslten, sualuen, sualu_ovr, sualu_cout,
        sualu_cin, sualu, sualuamux, sualubmux, inst_data, link_pc_delay_pc,
        branch_or_addr, ls_data, su_ls_data, suexbsign, sushvamt, 
	suexasign, susltlt, sualumsb, shiftamt);

input   clk;
input   surf_wen;		// reg file write enable
input   [4:0] surf_w;		// reg file write address
input   [4:0] surf_ra;		// reg file read A port address
input   [4:0] surf_rb;		// reg file read B port address
input   suwben;
input   suimmlsmux;		// was 2 bit unary
input   [1:0] suimmmux;		// was 4 bit unary
input   [2:0] suvulsoffsetmux;	// was 5 bit unary
input   [2:0] surdbmux;		// was 6 bit unary
// deleted input suloaden (complement of suwben)
input   sudrivels;
input   [2:0] surdamux;		// was 5 bit unary
output  suonesdet_z;
// deleted input sushift_s (unused, always 0)
input   [1:0] sushbmux;		// was 3 bit unary
input   [1:0] sushamux;		// was 4 bit unary
input   suslten;
// deleted input sushen (complement of sualuen and suslten)
input   sualuen;
output  sualu_ovr;
output  sualu_cout;
input   sualu_cin;
input   [4:0] sualu;
input   sualuamux;		// was 2 bit unary
input   sualubmux;		// was 2 bit unary
input   [15:0] inst_data;
input   [23:0] link_pc_delay_pc;
output  [11:0] branch_or_addr;
input   [31:0] ls_data;
output   [31:0] su_ls_data;
output  suexbsign;
output  [4:0] sushvamt;
output  suexasign;
input   susltlt;
output  sualumsb;
input   [4:0] shiftamt;		// was 32 bit unary

wire   [31:0] ls_offset;
wire   [31:0] ex_b_src;		// was b15
wire   [31:0] rd_a_src;		// was b16
wire   [31:0] ex_a_src;		// was b17
wire   [31:0] imm_data;
// deleted wire b23 (unused???)
wire   [31:0] rt;
wire   [31:0] ex_data;
wire   [31:0] df_data;
wire   [31:0] wb_data;
wire   [31:0] ex_imm_data;
wire   [31:0] rd_imm_data;	// was b31
wire   [31:0] rd_b_src;
wire   [31:0] rs;
wire   [31:0] alu_out;		// was b38
// deleted wire b40 (now inside sudp_eq)
wire   [31:0] sh_b_src;
wire   [31:0] sh_a_src;
wire   [31:0] shift_out;
wire   [31:0] alu_a_src;
wire   [31:0] alu_b_src;
wire   [31:0] pre_wb_data;	// was b54
wire   [31:0] alu_shift_out;	// new signal
wire   [31:0] inst_data_buf;	// new signal

assign branch_or_addr[11:0] = alu_out[11:0];
assign suexbsign = ex_b_src[31];
assign sushvamt[4:0] = rd_a_src[4:0];
assign suexasign = ex_a_src[31];
assign sualumsb = alu_out[31];

sudp_rf surfilei(

sudp_reg suedffi(

sudp_reg sudwffi(

sudp_mx21 suimmlsmuxi(

sudp_reg sureinstffi(

sudp_buf sudpbufi(
		.i({{4{inst_data[15]}}, {12{inst_data[6]}}, inst_data}),
		.z(inst_data_buf));	// note the msb's are copied bufs

sudp_mx41 suimmmuxi(
		.i0({16'd0, inst_data_buf[15:0]}),
		      inst_data_buf[28], inst_data_buf[28], inst_data_buf[28],
                      inst_data_buf[28], inst_data_buf[28], inst_data_buf[28],
                      inst_data_buf[28], inst_data_buf[29], inst_data_buf[29],
                      inst_data_buf[29], inst_data_buf[29], inst_data_buf[29],
                      inst_data_buf[29], inst_data_buf[29], inst_data_buf[29],
                      inst_data_buf[30], inst_data_buf[14:0]}),
		.i2({inst_data_buf[15:0], 16'd0}),
		      inst_data_buf[30], inst_data_buf[30], inst_data_buf[30],
                      inst_data_buf[30], inst_data_buf[30], inst_data_buf[30],
                      inst_data_buf[31], inst_data_buf[31], inst_data_buf[31],
                      inst_data_buf[31], inst_data_buf[31], inst_data_buf[31],
                      inst_data_buf[31], inst_data_buf[31],
                      inst_data_buf[14:0], 2'd0}),

sudp_mx81 suvulsoffsetmuxi(
		.i0({inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[16],
		      inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[16],
                      inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[16],
                      inst_data_buf[16], inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17],
                      inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17],
                      inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17],
                      inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[17], inst_data_buf[18],
                      inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[18],
                      inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[18],
		.i1({inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[18],
		      inst_data_buf[18], inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19],
                      inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19],
                      inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19],
                      inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[19], inst_data_buf[20],
                      inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20],
                      inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20],
                      inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20], inst_data_buf[20],
                      inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21], 
                      inst_data_buf[5:0], 1'b0}),
		.i2({inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21],
		      inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21],
                      inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21], inst_data_buf[21],
                      inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22],
                      inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22],
                      inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[22],
                      inst_data_buf[22], inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23],
                      inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23],
                      inst_data_buf[5:0], 2'd0}),
		.i3({inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23],
		      inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23], inst_data_buf[23],
                      inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24],
                      inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24],
                      inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[24],
                      inst_data_buf[24], inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25],
                      inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25],
                      inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25],
                      inst_data_buf[5:0], 3'd0}),
		.i4({inst_data_buf[25], inst_data_buf[25],
		      inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26],
                      inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26],
                      inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[26],
                      inst_data_buf[26], inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27],
                      inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27],
                      inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27],
                      inst_data_buf[27], inst_data_buf[27],
                      inst_data_buf[5:0], 4'd0}),

sudp_mx81 surdbmuxi(

sudp_reg surebffi(

sudp_mx21 suwbenmuxi(

//sudp_tri sudrivelsi(	
//		.i(ex_b_src[31:0]),
//		.z(ls_data_out[31:0]),
//		.en(sudrivels));

wire [31:0] su_ls_data = sudrivels ? ex_b_src : 32'b0;

sudp_mx81 surdamuxi(

sudp_reg sureaffi(

sudp_shift sushifti(

sudp_mx41 sushbmuxi(
		.i0({1'b0, ex_b_src[31:1]}),

sudp_eq sueqi(

sudp_mx41 sushamuxi(
		.i1({ex_b_src[0], 31'd0}),
		.i3({8'd0, link_pc_delay_pc[23:0]}),

sudp_mx21 sualumuxi(

sudp_mx21 susltmuxi(
		.i1({31'd0, susltlt}),

sudp_alu sualui(

sudp_mx21 sualuamuxi(
		.i1({8'd0, link_pc_delay_pc[23:0]}),

sudp_mx21 sualubmuxi(

endmodule // sudp_sc