tf_lerp_csa_ha2.v 835 Bytes
// Module instances modified by /home/rws/workarea/rf/sw/bbplayer/tools/necprimfix 
//    2 instances of an02d1h changed to j_an02.
//    2 instances of xo02d1h changed to j_xo02.

// Project Reality
// module:	tf_lerp_csa_ha2
// description:	Half adder for csa tree for lerp for texture filter unit.
//		2 bits.
// designer:	Phil Gossett
// date:	6/25/94

module tf_lerp_csa_ha2 (a, b, s, co);

input [1:0] a;
input [1:0] b;

output [1:0] s;
output [1:0] co;

j_xo02 s0 (.z(s[0]),  .a1(a[0]), .a2(b[0]));
j_an02 c0 (.z(co[0]), .a1(a[0]), .a2(b[0]));
j_xo02 s1 (.z(s[1]),  .a1(a[1]), .a2(b[1]));
j_an02 c1 (.z(co[1]), .a1(a[1]), .a2(b[1]));

endmodule // tf_lerp_csa_ha2