tm_load.v 4.72 KB
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// $Id: tm_load.v,v 1.2 2002/11/22 00:34:20 rws Exp $

// Project Reality
// module:	tm_load
// description:	texture memory load interface
// designer:	Tony DeLaurier
// date:	8/3/94

module tm_load (clk, start_gclk, copy_load, load_dv, tile_tex_type, tile_tex_size, 
	  	odd_t, a_three, a_twelve, di_high, di_low, web01_low, 
		web23_low, web01_high, web23_high);

  `include "tex.vh"

  input clk, start_gclk;                   // RDP gated clock

  input [63:0] copy_load;       // copy / load bus
  input load_dv;                // valid load data on copy_load bus

  input [2:0] tile_tex_type;    // tile texel type
  input [1:0] tile_tex_size;    // tile texel size

  input odd_t;                  // odd line
  input a_three;                // address a[3] before interleave
  input a_twelve;               // address a[12] 

  output [63:0] di_high;	// data_in to high banks
  output [63:0] di_low;		// data_in to low banks

  output web01_low;		// write enable banks 0,1 (low half)
  reg web01_low;		// write enable banks 0,1 (low half)
  output web23_low;		// write enable banks 2,3 (low half)
  reg web23_low;		// write enable banks 2,3 (low half)
  output web01_high;		// write enable banks 0,1 (high half)
  reg web01_high;		// write enable banks 0,1 (high half)
  output web23_high;		// write enable banks 2,3 (high half)
  reg web23_high;		// write enable banks 2,3 (high half)

  reg [63:0] copy_load_1d;      // copy_load delayed 1
  reg [1:0] sel;      		// data in mux selects
  reg yuv_16b;      		// tile type is 16 bit yuv
  reg rgba_32b;      		// tile type is 32 bit rgba

  // 4 to 1 mux function

  function [63:0] four_to_one;

    input [1:0] sel;
    input [63:0] in_zero;
    input [63:0] in_one;
    input [63:0] in_two;
    input [63:0] in_three;


      case (sel[1:0])
        2'b00: four_to_one = in_zero;
        2'b01: four_to_one = in_one;
        2'b10: four_to_one = in_two;
        2'b11: four_to_one = in_three;
        default: four_to_one = 64'hx;

  endfunction // four_to_one

  always @(posedge clk)
   if (start_gclk) begin

    // delay copy_load bus by 1 clock
    copy_load_1d <= copy_load;

    // determine mux selects

    yuv_16b = (tile_tex_type == TYPE_YUV);

    rgba_32b = ((tile_tex_type == TYPE_RGBA) && (tile_tex_size == SIZE_32BIT));

    sel[1] <= rgba_32b || yuv_16b;

    sel[0] <= (!rgba_32b && !yuv_16b && odd_t) || yuv_16b;

    // determine we's 

    web01_low <= !(load_dv && ((!a_twelve && !rgba_32b && !yuv_16b) || 
     		  	   ((rgba_32b || yuv_16b) && !(a_three ^ odd_t))));

    web23_low <= !(load_dv && ((!a_twelve && !rgba_32b && !yuv_16b) || 
     		  	   ((rgba_32b || yuv_16b) && (a_three ^ odd_t))));

    web01_high <= !(load_dv && ((a_twelve && !rgba_32b && !yuv_16b) || 
     		  	   ((rgba_32b || yuv_16b) && !(a_three ^ odd_t))));

    web23_high <= !(load_dv && ((a_twelve && !rgba_32b && !yuv_16b) || 
     		  	   ((rgba_32b || yuv_16b) && (a_three ^ odd_t))));

  end // always

  assign di_high[63:0] = four_to_one(sel[1:0], copy_load_1d[63:0], 
			 {copy_load_1d[31:0], copy_load_1d[63:32]}, 
			 {copy_load_1d[47:32], copy_load_1d[15:0], 
			  copy_load_1d[47:32], copy_load_1d[15:0]}, 
			 {copy_load_1d[55:48], copy_load_1d[39:32], 
			  copy_load_1d[23:16], copy_load_1d[7:0], 
			  copy_load_1d[55:48], copy_load_1d[39:32], 
			  copy_load_1d[23:16], copy_load_1d[7:0]});

  assign di_low[63:0] =  four_to_one(sel[1:0], copy_load_1d[63:0], 
			 {copy_load_1d[31:0], copy_load_1d[63:32]}, 
			 {copy_load_1d[63:48], copy_load_1d[31:16], 
			  copy_load_1d[63:48], copy_load_1d[31:16]}, 
			 {copy_load_1d[63:56], copy_load_1d[47:40], 
			  copy_load_1d[31:24], copy_load_1d[15:8], 
			  copy_load_1d[63:56], copy_load_1d[47:40],
			  copy_load_1d[31:24], copy_load_1d[15:8]});

endmodule // tm_load