vi_divot_median.v 1.54 KB
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// $Id: vi_divot_median.v,v 1.1 2002/05/21 23:55:45 berndt Exp $

// Project Reality
// module:      vi_divot_median 
// description: Finds the median of three numbers 
// designer:    Gudrun Achtenhagen 
// date:        9/30/94 

module vi_divot_median(		//inputs  
	// outputs
input [7:0]	a;
input [7:0]	b;
input [7:0]	c;
wire		agtb;
wire [7:0]	maxabc;  
output [7:0]	z;

assign	agtb = a>b;
assign 	maxabc = agtb ? ((c>b) ? c:b) : ((c>a) ? c:a);   
assign	z = agtb ? ((a > maxabc) ? maxabc:a) : ((b > maxabc) ? maxabc:b);

endmodule // vi_divot_median