makefile 2.25 KB
# Copyright 2000 VAutomation Inc. Nashua NH USA. All rights reserved.
## This software is provided under license and contains proprietary
## and confidential material which is the property of VAutomation Inc.
## HTTP://
## File Name: $Workfile: makefile$
## Revision: $Revision: $
## $NoKeywords$
## This is the VUSB2 Top Level Simulation Makefile.

# This file is a UNIX Makefile.  It is assumed that the reader has some
# experience with Makefiles. See the man pages for more info on make.

default: usage

	@echo "USAGE:"
	@echo " make sim        ; Create VUSB-BFM Simulation database."
	@echo " make edf        ; Create VUSB_BVCI EDIF."
	@echo " make syn        ; Create VUSB_BVCI Synopsys Gate Level Netlist."

# Run Simulations

sim : tb

tb : 
	(cd ./sim; ${MAKE} sim)

# Exemplar Synthesis

edf :	
	-mkdir -p ./exemplar
	(cd exemplar; \
	cp ../verilog/vusb_cfg.v .;\
	spectrum  \
		-file=../scripts/Exemplar/vusb_bvci.tcl \
		-session_file ./vusb_bvci.his \
		-logfile ./vusb_bvci.log)

# Synopsys Synthesis

syn :	
	-mkdir -p ./synopsys
	(cd synopsys; \
	cp ../verilog/vusb_cfg.v .;\
	dc_shell -f ../scripts/Synopsys/vusb_bvci.dc > ./vusb_bvci.log)

# Cleanup

kill : 	clean
	rm -rf work.lib

clean :
	rm -f core *~ transcript vsim.wlf

syn_kill : 	
	rm -f *.mr *.st *.syn