FDRSE.v 774 Bytes
// $Header: /root/leakn64/depot/rf/hw/debug/xilinx/FDRSE.v,v 1.1 2003/04/01 21:47:33 berndt Exp $


FUNCTION	: D-FLIP-FLOP with sync reset, sync set and clock enable


`timescale  100 ps / 10 ps

module FDRSE (Q, C, CE, D, R, S);

    parameter INIT = 1'b0;

    output Q;
    reg    q_out;

    input  C, CE, D, R, S;

    tri0 GSR = glbl.GSR;

    buf B1 (Q, q_out);

	always @(GSR)
	    if (GSR)
		assign q_out = INIT;
		deassign q_out;

	always @(posedge C)
	    if (R)
		q_out <= 0;
	    else if (S)
		q_out <= 1;
	    else if (CE)
		q_out <= D;

	if (R)
	    (posedge C => (Q +: 1'b0)) = (1, 1);
	if (!R && S)
	    (posedge C => (Q +: 1'b1)) = (1, 1);
	if (!R && !S && CE)
	    (posedge C => (Q +: D)) = (1, 1);
