OFDDRTRSE.v 532 Bytes
// $Header: /root/leakn64/depot/rf/hw/debug/xilinx/OFDDRTRSE.v,v 1.1 2003/04/01 21:47:36 berndt Exp $


FUNCTION	: Dual Data Rate output D-FLIP-FLOP with sync reset, sync set and clock enable


`timescale  100 ps / 10 ps

module OFDDRTRSE (O, C0, C1, CE, D0, D1, R, S, T);

    output O;

    input  C0, C1, CE, D0, D1, R, S, T;

    wire   q_out;

    FDDRRSE F0 (.C0(C0),
    defparam F0.INIT = 1'b0;

    OBUFT O1 (.I(q_out),
