echo_d.h 1.64 KB
#ifndef __echo_h__
#define __echo_h__
*** Copyright (c) 2001-2002 ARC International.
*** All rights reserved                                          
*** This software embodies materials and concepts which are      
*** confidential to ARC International and is made
*** available solely pursuant to the terms of a written license   
*** agreement with ARC International             
*** $Workfile:echo_d.h$
*** $Revision: 1.1 $
*** $Date: 2003/02/17 20:49:00 $
*** Description:      
***  This file contains the VUSB32 OTG  Echo example application header.

/* USB 1.1 Setup Packet */
typedef struct setup_struct {
   uint_8      REQUESTTYPE;
   uint_8      REQUEST;
   uint_16     VALUE;
   uint_16     INDEX;
   uint_16     LENGTH;

#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))      

#define BUFFERSIZE      1023

typedef struct double_buffer_struct { /* Body */
   uint_8      buffer[2][BUFFERSIZE];
   boolean     whichbuffer;

#define INIT_DBUF(x)    ((x.whichbuffer) = 0)
#define TOGGLE_DBUF(x)  ((x.whichbuffer) ^= 1)
#define DBUF(x)         (x.buffer[x.whichbuffer])
/* EOF */