go.bat 2.12 KB
@echo off
rem HEADER******************************************************************
rem ************************************************************************
rem *** 
rem *** Copyright (c) 1989-2002 ARC International.
rem *** All rights reserved                                          
rem ***                                                              
rem *** This software embodies materials and concepts which are      
rem *** confidential to ARC International and is made
rem *** available solely pursuant to the terms of a written license   
rem *** agreement with ARC International             
rem ***
rem *** $Workfile: go.bat$
rem *** $Revision: 1.1 $
rem *** $Date: 2003/02/17 20:49:00 $
rem ***
rem *** Description:      
rem ***  This file contains the command lines required to build the
rem ***  USB 1.1 echo test example.
rem ************************************************************************
rem *END********************************************************************
if not exist aa3.met mkdir aa3.met
cd aa3.met

echo -arc8 -g -O -c -D__USB_OTG__ > echo.cmd
echo -I ..\ >> echo.cmd
echo -I ..\..\..\..\lib\otg\aa3.met >> echo.cmd
echo -I %usb_compiler_root%\inc >> echo.cmd

echo hcarc ..\echo.c > errors
if exist echo.o del echo.o
@echo on
hcarc ..\echo.c @echo.cmd >> errors
@echo off
echo echo.o > echo.lfn

echo hcarc ..\echo_d.c >> errors
if exist echo_d.o del echo_d.o
@echo on
hcarc ..\echo_d.c @echo.cmd >> errors
@echo off
echo echo_d.o >> echo.lfn

echo hcarc ..\echo_h.c >> errors
if exist echo_h.o del echo_h.o
@echo on
hcarc ..\echo_h.c @echo.cmd >> errors
@echo off
echo echo_h.o >> echo.lfn

echo hcarc ..\devreqst.c >> errors
if exist devreqst.o del devreqst.o
@echo on
hcarc ..\devreqst.c @echo.cmd >> errors
@echo off
echo devreqst.o >> echo.lfn

echo ..\..\..\..\lib\otg\aa3.met\usbotg.a >> echo.lfn
echo %usb_compiler_root%\lib\le\libct.a >> echo.lfn

if exist echo.out del echo.out
@echo on
hcarc -m -Bgrouplib -Hheap=0x70000 -Hstack=0x20000 -Bbase=0x100 @echo.lfn -o echo.out > echo.map
@echo off

del echo.cmd
del echo.lfn

cd ..\