memory.h 4.24 KB

 *                                                                        *
 *               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
 *                                                                        *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed  *
 *  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or  *
 *  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.  *
 *                                                                        *

 * File:	memory.h
 * Creator:
 * Create Date:	Mon Feb 14 13:03:50 PST 1994
 * Include file for the low-level memory module.
 * See memory.c for details.

#ifndef _rsp_memory_h_
#define _rsp_memory_h_ 1

 * Some important RSP memory parameters:
 * WARNING: I can easily imagine a signed quantity being compared
 * with one of these, resulting in problems...
#define rsp_DRAM_SIZE8		(0x00400000)	/* 4MB */
#define rsp_DCACHE_SIZE8	(4096)		/* in bytes */
#define rsp_ICACHE_SIZEI	(1024)		/* in instructions */
#define rsp_ICACHE_SIZE8	(rsp_ICACHE_SIZEI << 2)	/* in bytes */
#define rsp_TRIG_SIZEI		(4096)		/* in 32-bit words */
#define rsp_TRIG_SIZE8		(rsp_TRIG_SIZEI << 2)	/* in bytes */
#define rsp_SCRATCH_SIZE8	(0x00200000)	/* 2MB */

#define rsp_DRAM_LOW		(0x00000000)
#define rsp_DCACHE_LOW		(0x04000000)
#define rsp_ICACHE_LOW		(0x04001000)
#define rsp_GPR_LOW		(0x10003000)
#define rsp_GPR_SIZE8		(256)
#define rsp_DMA_LOW		(0x10003100)
#define rsp_DMA_SIZE8		(256)
#define rsp_TRIG_LOW		(0x10010000)
#define rsp_SCRATCH_LOW		(0x20000000)

 * DCACHE and ICACHE accesses ignore high address bits (low 12 bits are valid)
#define rsp_DCACHE_BITS		(0x00000FFF)
#define rsp_ICACHE_BITS		(0x00000FFF)
#define rsp_ABSOLUTE_ACCESS	(0)
#define rsp_DCACHE_ACCESS	(1)
#define rsp_ICACHE_ACCESS	(2)
#define rsp_DMA_ACCESS		(3)			/* is DMA a special case???? */

 * actual memory spaces
extern u8 	rsp_mainMemory[rsp_DRAM_SIZE8];
extern u8 	rsp_dataCache[rsp_DCACHE_SIZE8];
extern u8	rsp_instructionCache[rsp_ICACHE_SIZE8];
extern u8 	rsp_scratchMemory[rsp_SCRATCH_SIZE8];
extern u8 	*rsp_mainMemory;
extern u8 	*rsp_dataCache;
extern u8	*rsp_instructionCache;
extern u8 	*rsp_scratchMemory;

 * The "scratch" memory area is a a place outside the spec of the machine,
 * used for simulation purposes only. For instance, it is impossible to
 * develop/debug the RSP/RDP handshaking of data, because there is no
 * consumer when running the RSP in a standalone fashion. So we send output
 * to this "nether region" where we can dump it out later.
 * (using any space within the machine would cause lots of clashes with
 * things; plus, this area may need to be larger than 2MB...)

 * byte read
extern u8	rsp_MemReadByte(u32 addr,int memtype);
 * halfword read
extern u16	rsp_MemReadHalf(u32 addr,int memtype);
 * word read
extern u32	rsp_MemReadWord(u32 addr,int memtype);
 * double word read
extern u64	rsp_MemReadDouble(u32 addr,int memtype);
 * byte write
extern void	rsp_MemWriteByte(u32 addr, u8 byte,int memtype);
 * halfword write
extern void	rsp_MemWriteHalf(u32 addr, u16 half,int memtype);
 * word write
extern void	rsp_MemWriteWord(u32 addr, u32 word,int memtype);
 * double word write
extern void	rsp_MemWriteDouble(u32 addr, u64 dword,int memtype);

/* simulator (debugging) functions: */
extern boolean	rsp_MemLoad(char *filename, u32 baseaddr);
extern boolean	rsp_MemUnLoad(char *filename, u32 baseaddr, u32 length,
			      boolean doAppend);
extern boolean	rsp_MemBcopy(u32 from, u32 to, u32 length);
extern boolean	rsp_MemFromIPC(u32 from, u32 to, u32 length);
extern boolean	rsp_MemToIPC(u32 from, u32 to, u32 length);
extern void	rsp_MemWriteMap(u32 addr, u32 val);
extern u32	rsp_MemReadMap(u32 addr);
extern u32	rsp_ExamineMemory(u32 address);
extern u32	rsp_ExamineMemory1(u32 address, int memtype);
extern u32	rsp_DepositMemory(u32 address, u32 value);
