vu.h 3.07 KB
 * Vector Unit instruction Simulation

#define	VU_NREG		32	/* number of VU registers per pipeline */
#define	VU_NMAC		4	/* number of MAC data paths */
#define	VU_WREG(r)	((r > 1) && (r < VU_NREG))	/* writtable regs */
#define	VU_REG(u, r)	(vu.vregs[u][r])		/* registers access */
#define	VU_VCC		(vu.vcc)

 * Selection codes

#define	SEL_LT		0
#define	SEL_LE		1
#define	SEL_EQ		2
#define	SEL_NE		3
#define	SEL_GE		4
#define	SEL_GT		5
#define	SEL_MERGE	6
#define	SEL_CL		7

struct vu_state {
	short	vregs[VU_NMAC][VU_NREG];	/* reg file, vreg's' = short */
	int	vacc[VU_NMAC];			/* accumulator */
	short	vcc;				/* condition code control */

struct vu_state  vu;

 * VU instructions
#define mul16( s, t) ((long)s * (long)t) /* force 32 bit product */

#define	mulfs(s,t,e,d)	vu_mul(s,t,e,d,0,0,1)
#define	macfs(s,t,e,d)	vu_mac(s,t,e,d,0,0,1)
#define	mulf(s,t,d)	vu_mul(s,t,0,d,0,0,0)
#define	macf(s,t,d)	vu_mac(s,t,0,d,0,0,0)

#define	mulis(s,t,e,d)	vu_mul(s,t,e,d,0,-15,1)
#define	macis(s,t,e,d)	vu_mac(s,t,e,d,0,-15,1)
#define	muli(s,t,d)	vu_mul(s,t,0,d,0,-15,0)
#define	maci(s,t,d)	vu_mac(s,t,0,d,0,-15,0)

#define	mulus(s,t,e,d)	vu_mulu(s,t,e,d,0,-15,1)
#define	macus(s,t,e,d)	vu_macu(s,t,e,d,0,-15,1)
#define	mulu(s,t,d)	vu_mulu(s,t,0,d,0,-15,0)
#define	macu(s,t,d)	vu_macu(s,t,0,d,0,-15,0)

#define	mudls(s,t,e,d)	vu_mul(s,t,e,d,1,-15,1)
#define	madls(s,t,e,d)	vu_mac(s,t,e,d,1,-15,1)
#define	mudl(s,t,d)	vu_mul(s,t,0,d,1,-15,0)
#define	madl(s,t,d)	vu_mac(s,t,0,d,1,-15,0)

#define	mudms		mulis
#define	madms		macis
#define	mudm		muli
#define	madm		maci

#define	mudhs(s,t,e,d)	vu_mul(s,t,e,d,1,15,1)
#define	madhs(s,t,e,d)	vu_mac(s,t,e,d,1,15,1)
#define	mudh(s,t,d)	vu_mul(s,t,0,d,1,15,0)
#define	madh(s,t,d)	vu_mac(s,t,0,d,1,15,0)

#define	div(s,t,e,d)	vu_div(s,t,e,d,1)
#define	divh(s,t,e,d)	vu_divd(s,t,e,d,1,1)
#define	divl(s,t,e,d)	vu_divd(s,t,e,d,0,1)

#define	cmp_cl(s,t,e)	vu_select(s,t,e,SEL_CL,1)

 * Vectorization Simulation VU register allocation

#define	Vzero	0		/* XXX - make sure SPECed read only reserved */
#define	Vone	1		/* XXX - make sure SPECed read only reserved */
#define	Vvtxo	2		/* object space vtx */
#define	Vvtxci	3		/* clip space vtx integer portion */
#define	Vvtxcf	4		/* clip space vtx fraction portion */
#define	Vvtxs	5		/* screen space vtx */

#define	Vrwh	18		/* use 20-23 as scratch */
#define	Vrwl	19

/* XXX write into garbage can, simulator does not prevent a write to Vzero yet */

#define	Vnull	20

#define	Vdcs	22		/* device coordinate scale */
#define	Vdct	23		/* device coordinate translate */

#define	Vmtxi0	24		/* Matrix row0 int */
#define	Vmtxf0	(Vmtxi0+1)	/* Matrix row0 frac */
#define	Vmtxi1	(Vmtxi0+2)	/* Matrix row1 int */
#define	Vmtxf1	(Vmtxi0+3)	/* Matrix row1 frac */
#define	Vmtxi2	(Vmtxi0+4)	/* Matrix row2 int */
#define	Vmtxf2	(Vmtxi0+5)	/* Matrix row2 frac */
#define	Vmtxi3	(Vmtxi0+6)	/* Matrix row3 int */
#define	Vmtxf3	(Vmtxi0+7)	/* Matrix row3 frac */

 * function prototypes for utility routines

void ftos(float, short *, short *);
void ftoi(int, short *, short *);
void stof(short, short, float *);

void vprintmtx(int r);