R4300.h 17.1 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453
 *									  *
 *		 Copyright (C) 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.		  *
 *									  *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright law.  They  may  not be disclosed  *
 *  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or  *
 *  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.  *
 *									  *

 *  $Revision: $
 *  $Date: 2002/10/29 08:06:34 $
 *  $Source: /root/leakn64/depot/rf/sw/n64os20l/include/R4300.h,v $

#ifndef __R4300_H__
#define __R4300_H__

#include <PR/ultratypes.h>

 * Segment base addresses and sizes
#define	KUBASE		0
#define	KUSIZE		0x80000000
#define	K0BASE		0x80000000
#define	K0SIZE		0x20000000
#define	K1BASE		0xA0000000
#define	K1SIZE		0x20000000
#define	K2BASE		0xC0000000
#define	K2SIZE		0x20000000

 * Exception vectors
#define SIZE_EXCVEC	0x80			/* Size of an exc. vec */
#define	UT_VEC		K0BASE			/* utlbmiss vector */
#define	R_VEC		(K1BASE+0x1fc00000)	/* reset vector */
#define	XUT_VEC		(K0BASE+0x80)		/* extended address tlbmiss */
#define	ECC_VEC		(K0BASE+0x100)		/* Ecc exception vector */
#define	E_VEC		(K0BASE+0x180)		/* Gen. exception vector */

 * Address conversion macros

#define	K0_TO_K1(x)	((x)|0xA0000000)	/* kseg0 to kseg1 */
#define	K1_TO_K0(x)	((x)&0x9FFFFFFF)	/* kseg1 to kseg0 */
#define	K0_TO_PHYS(x)	((x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* kseg0 to physical */
#define	K1_TO_PHYS(x)	((x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* kseg1 to physical */
#define	KDM_TO_PHYS(x)	((x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* direct mapped to physical */
#define	PHYS_TO_K0(x)	((x)|0x80000000)	/* physical to kseg0 */
#define	PHYS_TO_K1(x)	((x)|0xA0000000)	/* physical to kseg1 */

#else /* _LANGUAGE_C */

#define	K0_TO_K1(x)	((u32)(x)|0xA0000000)	/* kseg0 to kseg1 */
#define	K1_TO_K0(x)	((u32)(x)&0x9FFFFFFF)	/* kseg1 to kseg0 */
#define	K0_TO_PHYS(x)	((u32)(x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* kseg0 to physical */
#define	K1_TO_PHYS(x)	((u32)(x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* kseg1 to physical */
#define	KDM_TO_PHYS(x)	((u32)(x)&0x1FFFFFFF)	/* direct mapped to physical */
#define	PHYS_TO_K0(x)	((u32)(x)|0x80000000)	/* physical to kseg0 */
#define	PHYS_TO_K1(x)	((u32)(x)|0xA0000000)	/* physical to kseg1 */


 * Address predicates
#define	IS_KSEG0(x)	((u32)(x) >= K0BASE && (u32)(x) < K1BASE)
#define	IS_KSEG1(x)	((u32)(x) >= K1BASE && (u32)(x) < K2BASE)
#define	IS_KSEGDM(x)	((u32)(x) >= K0BASE && (u32)(x) < K2BASE)
#define	IS_KSEG2(x)	((u32)(x) >= K2BASE && (u32)(x) < KPTE_SHDUBASE)
#define	IS_KPTESEG(x)	((u32)(x) >= KPTE_SHDUBASE)
#define	IS_KUSEG(x)	((u32)(x) < K0BASE)

 * TLB size constants

#define	NTLBENTRIES	31	/* entry 31 is reserved by rdb */

#define	TLBHI_VPN2MASK		0xffffe000
#define	TLBHI_VPN2SHIFT		13
#define	TLBHI_PIDMASK		0xff
#define	TLBHI_NPID		255		/* 255 to fit in 8 bits */

#define	TLBLO_PFNMASK		0x3fffffc0
#define	TLBLO_CACHMASK		0x38		/* cache coherency algorithm */
#define TLBLO_UNCACHED		0x10		/* not cached */
#define TLBLO_NONCOHRNT		0x18		/* Cacheable non-coherent */
#define TLBLO_EXLWR		0x28		/* Exclusive write */
#define	TLBLO_D			0x4		/* writeable */
#define	TLBLO_V			0x2		/* valid bit */
#define	TLBLO_G			0x1		/* global access bit */

#define	TLBINX_PROBE		0x80000000
#define	TLBINX_INXMASK		0x3f



#define	TLBCTXT_BASEMASK	0xff800000

#define	TLBCTXT_VPNMASK		0x7ffff0

#define TLBPGMASK_4K		0x0
#define TLBPGMASK_16K		0x6000
#define TLBPGMASK_64K		0x1e000

 * Status register
#define	SR_CUMASK	0xf0000000	/* coproc usable bits */

#define	SR_CU3		0x80000000	/* Coprocessor 3 usable */
#define	SR_CU2		0x40000000	/* Coprocessor 2 usable */
#define	SR_CU1		0x20000000	/* Coprocessor 1 usable */
#define	SR_CU0		0x10000000	/* Coprocessor 0 usable */
#define	SR_RP		0x08000000	/* Reduced power (quarter speed) */
#define	SR_FR		0x04000000	/* MIPS III FP register mode */
#define	SR_RE		0x02000000	/* Reverse endian */
#define	SR_ITS		0x01000000	/* Instruction trace support */
#define	SR_BEV		0x00400000	/* Use boot exception vectors */
#define	SR_TS		0x00200000	/* TLB shutdown */
#define	SR_SR		0x00100000	/* Soft reset occured */
#define	SR_CH		0x00040000	/* Cache hit for last 'cache' op */
#define	SR_CE		0x00020000	/* Create ECC */
#define	SR_DE		0x00010000	/* ECC of parity does not cause error */

 * Interrupt enable bits
 * (NOTE: bits set to 1 enable the corresponding level interrupt)
#define	SR_IMASK	0x0000ff00	/* Interrupt mask */
#define	SR_IMASK8	0x00000000	/* mask level 8 */
#define	SR_IMASK7	0x00008000	/* mask level 7 */
#define	SR_IMASK6	0x0000c000	/* mask level 6 */
#define	SR_IMASK5	0x0000e000	/* mask level 5 */
#define	SR_IMASK4	0x0000f000	/* mask level 4 */
#define	SR_IMASK3	0x0000f800	/* mask level 3 */
#define	SR_IMASK2	0x0000fc00	/* mask level 2 */
#define	SR_IMASK1	0x0000fe00	/* mask level 1 */
#define	SR_IMASK0	0x0000ff00	/* mask level 0 */

#define	SR_IBIT8	0x00008000	/* bit level 8 */
#define	SR_IBIT7	0x00004000	/* bit level 7 */
#define	SR_IBIT6	0x00002000	/* bit level 6 */
#define	SR_IBIT5	0x00001000	/* bit level 5 */
#define	SR_IBIT4	0x00000800	/* bit level 4 */
#define	SR_IBIT3	0x00000400	/* bit level 3 */
#define	SR_IBIT2	0x00000200	/* bit level 2 */
#define	SR_IBIT1	0x00000100	/* bit level 1 */


#define	SR_KX		0x00000080	/* extended-addr TLB vec in kernel */
#define	SR_SX		0x00000040	/* xtended-addr TLB vec supervisor */
#define	SR_UX		0x00000020	/* xtended-addr TLB vec in user mode */
#define	SR_KSU_MASK	0x00000018	/* mode mask */
#define	SR_KSU_USR	0x00000010	/* user mode */
#define	SR_KSU_SUP	0x00000008	/* supervisor mode */
#define	SR_KSU_KER	0x00000000	/* kernel mode */
#define	SR_ERL		0x00000004	/* Error level, 1=>cache error */
#define	SR_EXL		0x00000002	/* Exception level, 1=>exception */
#define	SR_IE		0x00000001	/* interrupt enable, 1=>enable */

 * Cause Register
#define	CAUSE_BD	0x80000000	/* Branch delay slot */
#define	CAUSE_CEMASK	0x30000000	/* coprocessor error */
#define	CAUSE_CESHIFT	28

/* Interrupt pending bits */
#define	CAUSE_IP8	0x00008000	/* External level 8 pending - COMPARE */
#define	CAUSE_IP7	0x00004000	/* External level 7 pending - INT4 */
#define	CAUSE_IP6	0x00002000	/* External level 6 pending - INT3 */
#define	CAUSE_IP5	0x00001000	/* External level 5 pending - INT2 */
#define	CAUSE_IP4	0x00000800	/* External level 4 pending - INT1 */
#define	CAUSE_IP3	0x00000400	/* External level 3 pending - INT0 */
#define	CAUSE_SW2	0x00000200	/* Software level 2 pending */
#define	CAUSE_SW1	0x00000100	/* Software level 1 pending */

#define	CAUSE_IPMASK	0x0000FF00	/* Pending interrupt mask */

#define	CAUSE_EXCMASK	0x0000007C	/* Cause code bits */


/* Cause register exception codes */

#define	EXC_CODE(x)	((x)<<2)

/* Hardware exception codes */
#define	EXC_INT		EXC_CODE(0)	/* interrupt */
#define	EXC_MOD		EXC_CODE(1)	/* TLB mod */
#define	EXC_RMISS	EXC_CODE(2)	/* Read TLB Miss */
#define	EXC_WMISS	EXC_CODE(3)	/* Write TLB Miss */
#define	EXC_RADE	EXC_CODE(4)	/* Read Address Error */
#define	EXC_WADE	EXC_CODE(5)	/* Write Address Error */
#define	EXC_IBE		EXC_CODE(6)	/* Instruction Bus Error */
#define	EXC_DBE		EXC_CODE(7)	/* Data Bus Error */
#define	EXC_BREAK	EXC_CODE(9)	/* BREAKpoint */
#define	EXC_II		EXC_CODE(10)	/* Illegal Instruction */
#define	EXC_CPU		EXC_CODE(11)	/* CoProcessor Unusable */
#define	EXC_OV		EXC_CODE(12)	/* OVerflow */
#define	EXC_TRAP	EXC_CODE(13)	/* Trap exception */
#define	EXC_VCEI	EXC_CODE(14)	/* Virt. Coherency on Inst. fetch */
#define	EXC_FPE		EXC_CODE(15)	/* Floating Point Exception */
#define	EXC_WATCH	EXC_CODE(23)	/* Watchpoint reference */
#define	EXC_VCED	EXC_CODE(31)	/* Virt. Coherency on data read */

/* C0_PRID Defines */
#define	C0_IMPMASK	0xff00
#define	C0_IMPSHIFT	8
#define C0_REVMASK	0xff
#define C0_MAJREVMASK	0xf0
#define	C0_MAJREVSHIFT	4
#define C0_MINREVMASK	0xf

 * Coprocessor 0 operations
#define	C0_READI  0x1		/* read ITLB entry addressed by C0_INDEX */
#define	C0_WRITEI 0x2		/* write ITLB entry addressed by C0_INDEX */
#define	C0_WRITER 0x6		/* write ITLB entry addressed by C0_RAND */
#define	C0_PROBE  0x8		/* probe for ITLB entry addressed by TLBHI */
#define	C0_RFE	  0x10		/* restore for exception */

 * 'cache' instruction definitions

/* Target cache */
#define	CACH_PI		0x0	/* specifies primary inst. cache */
#define	CACH_PD		0x1	/* primary data cache */
#define	CACH_SI		0x2	/* secondary instruction cache */
#define	CACH_SD		0x3	/* secondary data cache */

/* Cache operations */
#define	C_IINV		0x0	/* index invalidate (inst, 2nd inst) */
#define	C_IWBINV	0x0	/* index writeback inval (d, sd) */
#define	C_ILT		0x4	/* index load tag (all) */
#define	C_IST		0x8	/* index store tag (all) */
#define	C_CDX		0xc	/* create dirty exclusive (d, sd) */
#define	C_HINV		0x10	/* hit invalidate (all) */
#define	C_HWBINV	0x14	/* hit writeback inv. (d, sd) */
#define	C_FILL		0x14	/* fill (i) */
#define	C_HWB		0x18	/* hit writeback (i, d, sd) */
#define	C_HSV		0x1c	/* hit set virt. (si, sd) */

 * Cache size definitions
#define	ICACHE_SIZE		0x4000			/* 16K */
#define	ICACHE_LINESIZE		32			/* 8 words */

#define	DCACHE_SIZE		0x2000			/* 8K */
#define	DCACHE_LINESIZE		16			/* 4 words */

 * C0_CONFIG register definitions
#define	CONFIG_CM	0x80000000	/* 1 == Master-Checker enabled */
#define	CONFIG_EC	0x70000000	/* System Clock ratio */
#define	CONFIG_EC_1_1	0x6		/* System Clock ratio 1 :1 */
#define	CONFIG_EC_3_2	0x7		/* System Clock ratio 1.5 :1 */
#define	CONFIG_EC_2_1	0x0		/* System Clock ratio 2 :1 */
#define	CONFIG_EC_3_1	0x1		/* System Clock ratio 3 :1 */
#define	CONFIG_EP	0x0f000000	/* Transmit Data Pattern */
#define	CONFIG_SB	0x00c00000	/* Secondary cache block size */

#define	CONFIG_SS	0x00200000	/* Split scache: 0 == I&D combined */
#define	CONFIG_SW	0x00100000	/* scache port: 0==128, 1==64 */
#define	CONFIG_EW	0x000c0000	/* System Port width: 0==64, 1==32 */
#define	CONFIG_SC	0x00020000	/* 0 -> 2nd cache present */
#define	CONFIG_SM	0x00010000	/* 0 -> Dirty Shared Coherency enabled*/
#define	CONFIG_BE	0x00008000	/* Endian-ness: 1 --> BE */
#define	CONFIG_EM	0x00004000	/* 1 -> ECC mode, 0 -> parity */
#define	CONFIG_EB	0x00002000	/* Block order:1->sequent,0->subblock */

#define	CONFIG_IC	0x00000e00	/* Primary Icache size */
#define	CONFIG_DC	0x000001c0	/* Primary Dcache size */
#define	CONFIG_IB	0x00000020	/* Icache block size */
#define	CONFIG_DB	0x00000010	/* Dcache block size */
#define	CONFIG_CU	0x00000008	/* Update on Store-conditional */
#define	CONFIG_K0	0x00000007	/* K0SEG Coherency algorithm */

#define	CONFIG_UNCACHED		0x00000002	/* K0 is uncached */
#define	CONFIG_NONCOHRNT	0x00000003
#define	CONFIG_COHRNT_EXLWR	0x00000005
#define	CONFIG_SB_SHFT	22		/* shift SB to bit position 0 */
#define	CONFIG_IC_SHFT	9		/* shift IC to bit position 0 */
#define	CONFIG_DC_SHFT	6		/* shift DC to bit position 0 */
#define	CONFIG_BE_SHFT	15		/* shift BE to bit position 0 */

 * C0_TAGLO definitions for setting/getting cache states and physaddr bits
#define SADDRMASK  	0xFFFFE000	/* 31..13 -> scache paddr bits 35..17 */
#define SVINDEXMASK	0x00000380	/* 9..7: prim virt index bits 14..12 */
#define SSTATEMASK	0x00001c00	/* bits 12..10 hold scache line state */
#define SINVALID	0x00000000	/* invalid --> 000 == state 0 */
#define SCLEANEXCL	0x00001000	/* clean exclusive --> 100 == state 4 */
#define SDIRTYEXCL	0x00001400	/* dirty exclusive --> 101 == state 5 */
#define SECC_MASK	0x0000007f	/* low 7 bits are ecc for the tag */
#define SADDR_SHIFT	4		/* shift STagLo (31..13) to 35..17 */

#define PADDRMASK	0xFFFFFF00	/* PTagLo31..8->prim paddr bits35..12 */
#define PADDR_SHIFT	4		/* roll bits 35..12 down to 31..8 */
#define PSTATEMASK	0x00C0		/* bits 7..6 hold primary line state */
#define PINVALID	0x0000		/* invalid --> 000 == state 0 */
#define PCLEANEXCL	0x0080		/* clean exclusive --> 10 == state 2 */
#define PDIRTYEXCL	0x00C0		/* dirty exclusive --> 11 == state 3 */
#define PPARITY_MASK	0x0001		/* low bit is parity bit (even). */

 * C0_CACHE_ERR definitions.
#define	CACHERR_ER		0x80000000	/* 0: inst ref, 1: data ref */
#define	CACHERR_EC		0x40000000	/* 0: primary, 1: secondary */
#define	CACHERR_ED		0x20000000	/* 1: data error */
#define	CACHERR_ET		0x10000000	/* 1: tag error */
#define	CACHERR_ES		0x08000000	/* 1: external ref, e.g. snoop*/
#define	CACHERR_EE		0x04000000	/* error on SysAD bus */
#define	CACHERR_EB		0x02000000	/* complicated, see spec. */
#define	CACHERR_EI		0x01000000	/* complicated, see spec. */
#define	CACHERR_SIDX_MASK	0x003ffff8	/* secondary cache index */
#define	CACHERR_PIDX_MASK	0x00000007	/* primary cache index */
#define CACHERR_PIDX_SHIFT	12		/* bits 2..0 are paddr14..12 */

/* R4000 family supports hardware watchpoints:
 *   C0_WATCHLO:
 *     bits 31..3 are bits 31..3 of physaddr to watch
 *     bit 2:  reserved; must be written as 0.
 *     bit 1:  when set causes a watchpoint trap on load accesses to paddr.
 *     bit 0:  when set traps on stores to paddr;
 *     bits 31..4 are reserved and must be written as zeros.
 *     bits 3..0 are bits 35..32 of the physaddr to watch
#define WATCHLO_WTRAP           0x00000001
#define WATCHLO_RTRAP           0x00000002
#define WATCHLO_ADDRMASK        0xfffffff8
#define WATCHLO_VALIDMASK       0xfffffffb
#define WATCHHI_VALIDMASK       0x0000000f

 * Coprocessor 0 registers
#define	C0_INX		$0
#define	C0_RAND		$1
#define	C0_ENTRYLO0	$2
#define	C0_ENTRYLO1	$3
#define	C0_CONTEXT	$4
#define	C0_PAGEMASK	$5		/* page mask */
#define	C0_WIRED	$6		/* # wired entries in tlb */
#define	C0_BADVADDR	$8
#define	C0_COUNT	$9		/* free-running counter */
#define	C0_ENTRYHI	$10
#define	C0_SR		$12
#define	C0_CAUSE	$13
#define	C0_EPC		$14
#define	C0_PRID		$15		/* revision identifier */
#define	C0_COMPARE	$11		/* counter comparison reg. */
#define	C0_CONFIG	$16		/* hardware configuration */
#define	C0_LLADDR	$17		/* load linked address */
#define	C0_WATCHLO	$18		/* watchpoint */
#define	C0_WATCHHI	$19		/* watchpoint */
#define	C0_ECC		$26		/* S-cache ECC and primary parity */
#define	C0_CACHE_ERR	$27		/* cache error status */
#define	C0_TAGLO	$28		/* cache operations */
#define	C0_TAGHI	$29		/* cache operations */
#define	C0_ERROR_EPC	$30		/* ECC error prg. counter */

# else	/* ! _LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY */

#define	C0_INX		0
#define	C0_RAND		1
#define	C0_ENTRYLO0	2
#define	C0_ENTRYLO1	3
#define	C0_CONTEXT	4
#define	C0_PAGEMASK	5		/* page mask */
#define	C0_WIRED	6		/* # wired entries in tlb */
#define	C0_BADVADDR	8
#define	C0_COUNT	9		/* free-running counter */
#define	C0_ENTRYHI	10
#define	C0_SR		12
#define	C0_CAUSE	13
#define	C0_EPC		14
#define	C0_PRID		15		/* revision identifier */
#define	C0_COMPARE	11		/* counter comparison reg. */
#define	C0_CONFIG	16		/* hardware configuration */
#define	C0_LLADDR	17		/* load linked address */
#define	C0_WATCHLO	18		/* watchpoint */
#define	C0_WATCHHI	19		/* watchpoint */
#define	C0_ECC		26		/* S-cache ECC and primary parity */
#define	C0_CACHE_ERR	27		/* cache error status */
#define	C0_TAGLO	28		/* cache operations */
#define	C0_TAGHI	29		/* cache operations */
#define	C0_ERROR_EPC	30		/* ECC error prg. counter */


 * floating-point status register 
#define FPCSR_FS	0x01000000	/* flush denorm to zero */
#define	FPCSR_C		0x00800000	/* condition bit */	
#define	FPCSR_CE	0x00020000	/* cause: unimplemented operation */
#define	FPCSR_CV	0x00010000	/* cause: invalid operation */
#define	FPCSR_CZ	0x00008000	/* cause: division by zero */
#define	FPCSR_CO	0x00004000	/* cause: overflow */
#define	FPCSR_CU	0x00002000	/* cause: underflow */
#define	FPCSR_CI	0x00001000	/* cause: inexact operation */
#define	FPCSR_EV	0x00000800	/* enable: invalid operation */
#define	FPCSR_EZ	0x00000400	/* enable: division by zero */
#define	FPCSR_EO	0x00000200	/* enable: overflow */
#define	FPCSR_EU	0x00000100	/* enable: underflow */
#define	FPCSR_EI	0x00000080	/* enable: inexact operation */
#define	FPCSR_FV	0x00000040	/* flag: invalid operation */
#define	FPCSR_FZ	0x00000020	/* flag: division by zero */
#define	FPCSR_FO	0x00000010	/* flag: overflow */
#define	FPCSR_FU	0x00000008	/* flag: underflow */
#define	FPCSR_FI	0x00000004	/* flag: inexact operation */
#define	FPCSR_RM_MASK	0x00000003	/* rounding mode mask */
#define	FPCSR_RM_RN	0x00000000	/* round to nearest */
#define	FPCSR_RM_RZ	0x00000001	/* round to zero */
#define	FPCSR_RM_RP	0x00000002	/* round to positive infinity */
#define	FPCSR_RM_RM	0x00000003	/* round to negative infinity */

#endif /* __R4300_H */