define.vh 2.19 KB
// define.vh v1 Frank Berndt
// compile-time simulation configuration;
// XXX make them cmd line options

// define BB so that testbenches from other ip
// vendors can modify behavior;

`define	BB		// this is the BB chip;

// memory configuration;

`define	N_DDR_CFG	16	// # of ddr configs;

// for sake of simulation speed, the following
// units can be made dummies;
// or use 'setenv SIMDEFS="+define+RSP_DUMMY ..."'

//`define	RSP_DUMMY
//`define	RDP_DUMMY
//`define	VI_DUMMY
//`define	AI_DUMMY

`ifdef	RSP_DUMMY
`define	RSP	rsp_dummy
`else	// RSP_DUMMY
`define	RSP	rsp
`endif	// RSP_DUMMY

`ifdef	RDP_DUMMY
`define	RDP	rdp_dummy
`else	// RDP_DUMMY
`define	RDP	rdp
`endif	// RDP_DUMMY

`ifdef	VI_DUMMY
`define	VI	vi_dummy
`else	// VI_DUMMY
`define	VI	vi
`endif	// VI_DUMMY

`ifdef	AI_DUMMY
`define	AI	ai_dummy
`else	// AI_DUMMY
`define	AI	ai
`endif	// AI_DUMMY

// configure NAND flashes;
// define FLASH_BIG for pi tests;
// it configures 16/16/32/64MB devices;

`ifdef	TOSHIBA_64MB

`ifdef	FLASH_BIG
`define	FLASH0	tc58128ft	// 16MB
`define	FLASH1	tc58128ft	// 16MB
`define	FLASH2	tc58256ft	// 32MB
`define	FLASH3	tc58512ft	// 64MB
`else	// FLASH_BIG
`define	FLASH0	tc58128ft	// 16MB
`endif	// FLASH_BIG

`else	// TOSHIBA_64MB

`ifdef	FLASH_BIG
`define	FLASH0	km29u128	// 16MB
`define	FLASH1	km29u128	// 16MB
`define	FLASH2	km29u256	// 32MB
`define	FLASH3	km29u512	// 64MB
`else	// FLASH_BIG
`define	FLASH0	km29u128	// 16MB
`endif	// FLASH_BIG

`endif	// TOSHIBA_64MB

// FL_FAST modifies nand flash ready times;
// define FL_FAST to reduce simulator time;

`define	FLASH_FAST

// RESET_FAST modifies mi and cpu reset timing;
// define RESET_FAST to reduce simulator time
// by reducing pllx2 and cpu pll lock times;

`define	RESET_FAST

// the NEC model of the r4300 has output delays and
// requires input delays, ie. no 0-delay simulation;
// define a t[co] delay time to fix it;
// NB4300V01 has delays on inputs, ie. TCO should be 0;

`define	TCO

// SRAM behavioral model switches;
// defining any of the below will use the vendor's models;

`ifdef	SIMSDF
`else	// SIMSDF
`define	NEC_RTL_SIM
`endif	// SIMSDF
`define	NEC_BROM
`define	NEC_BRAM
`define	NEC_IRAM
`define	NEC_PIBUF